oh the irony...

16 Feb 2007
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West Midlands
United Kingdom
I've had an aching tooth all weekend wince about 11pm friday night.. kept me up most of the night saturday..

so I phoned today for an emergency apointment..

Me:"I'd like to book an apointment for an extraction please.."
Receptionist:"Certainly Sir, I'll just have a look for you....... We have an opening for the 15th will that be OK for you?"
M:"Not really I've had tooth ache all weekend.. "
R:"So it's an emergency then? OK, we have a 10 minute opening this afternoon.. the dentist can see you then and see about pain relief and then we can schedule another appointment if we need it.."
M:"OK, that'll do.. what time?"
R:"Two thirty with Mr Homey"...... :rolleyes:
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now the novocain is wearing off, it feels like I was punched in the mouth.. and look like it too...

he's chipped another tooth getting the wisdom tooth out, cut my lip at the front by pressing it into my front lower teeth, and bruised the right lower side of hy mouth by doing the same
He spent 15 mins trying to wiggle it free.. little bugger didn't want to come out..

wish I'd taken my Ipod.. the cracking, crunching sound of the pliers as it gripped my tooth was the worst sound I've heard in my life...
you might have been better off going twelve rounds with tyson?
It cant be that bad! 3 months ago I had 2 wisdom teeth (lower l/h & r/h) removed. Apart from the sounds (which are to be expected as its very close to your ear canals), my chest hurt more than anything.

Mind you, my destist's chest was eye-candy when she 'mounted' me.

A few stella's and a ruby took any pain away.


EDIT I think Im on coljack's ignore list, so Ive just talked to myself..... first sigh of madness! Oh dear
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Have always believed that dentists should give two injections for anyone having a tooth removed or having one drilled. One to kill the pain and another to send you (temporarilly) deaf. :LOL:


Ill put in a good word Tim! I now unsure about the ethics of my destist! I would have asked her out if me north & south werent frothing so much when I left.

yes you are still on my ignore list..
I only saw what you posted because tim quoted you..

the roots were twisted and very close to my sinuses..
he warned me that if the roots snapped off I'd have to go to hospital to get them removed... :eek:
didn't help that half the tooth was missing and that it wasn't very prominent on the out side..

the ache today from the bruised ligament that connects my lower jaw is bad.. already exceeded the daily dose of ibuprofen I'm supposed to take..
I'm a big guy though so I recon that the usual dose is too small for me..
2 tablets for an average bloke of about 10-12 stone? I'm double that..

Get down the chemist and buy some PARAMOL, there mutts nuts fella, you cant get stronger without prescription.

im surprised they didnt send you to hospital in the first place if looked difficult to get out. perhaps your pain made the difference.

i got all four whipped out, two one fortnight, two the next. both times they had to cut both gums open and grind the bone off my jaw first. no surprise one side got infected leaving me looking like the elephant mans uglier brother. had to drink my pint through a straw as my mouth wouldnt open far enough due to the swelling. :LOL:
i've got to go the dentist next week. one of my rear molars has been a pain for several years. about 5 years ago i had the most excruciating pain over the christmas break with it. went to the emergency dentist and i almost punched his lights out he was so useless. The next day my own dentist found the problem. The thing was cracked and had a very large abscess underneath.

Ever since then its been a problem (no pain as the nerve was removed) and broken a few times. Its happened again and they told me last time that if it went again, it would either be a crown or take it out altogether and do without it.

I really cant decide what to do for the best! :confused:
excrutiating pain over a few days? sounds like nerve death then...

if it hurts at all, have it out.. save the time and effort ( and cost )...

they did one of mine once, and ended up pulling it out a few weeks later anyway..
Teeth :evil: I don`t know what hurt me most. The School Dentist in the `60s or the price of my false ones now :eek:
Ah..... Those 1960's School Dentists in those off white mobile torture chambers......

When I had a rear molar filled a couple of years ago my dentist found a piece of concrete in the root cavity - he reckoned it was from the Old days when they didn't have enough supplies for a whole school!!!! :evil: :evil:
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