Our prime minister is a buffoon

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
...no surprise

"Theresa May has waded into a row over the decision to drop the word “Easter” from a Cadbury and National Trust “egg hunt”.

The Prime Minister, who suggested she felt the slight particularly keenly because she is a vicar’s daughter, condemned the decision as “absolutely ridiculous”.

But her intervention, which followed one from the Archbishop of York, appeared premature after it emerged that posters for the event were still emblazoned with the word “Easter”."


Look carefully. Can you spot it? If so, you are cleverer than Theresa May.


"Her comments come after the Archbishop of York said calling the event the Cadbury Egg Hunt was like "spitting on the grave" of the firm's Christian founder, John Cadbury...

...a descendant of John Cadbury pointed out that "as a Quaker, he didn't celebrate Easter".

His great-great-great-great-granddaughter, Esther McConnell, said: "He believed that every day is equally sacred and, back then, this was expressed by not marking festivals."


"The National Trust also denied it was downplaying the significance of Easter.
It said there were more than 13,000 references to Easter on its website and that it runs a programme of activities to mark the event."
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show us the page that was edited from.

It starts "Join the Cadbury Egg Hunts this Easter"
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I can understand why you refuse to show the page that part was snipped from
dare say the PC brigade object to the word easter just in case it causes some offence to certain other religious fruit cakes

When that story broke a few days ago it was on the news, the tv news. And the newsreader said that the National trust changed their poster in response to the complaints and made the word 'Easter' more prominent.
easter ??

when I was a kid we always had to have fish on good friday ,we never had meat . my mother being a catholic ?? it was some thing to do with that religion afaik ???????????

just thought I would mention it :)
A mate (who is Catholic) eats fish on Friday.
He told me that Catholics have to give something up on a Friday, and traditionally, that is meat.
Hence, fish for tea on a Friday.
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