Owen Paterson

There is now, but it's only in the last 50 years that the US definition has been adopted, by UK government. Others have continued to use the UK billion until quite recently.

HTF does your brain work?

It is childish just to ask the same question which someone asked you - but you frequently do it.
Is your Daddy bigger than my Daddy?

I used the US billion because that is the most often used definition these days.
How does that affect the population of the world?

HTF does your brain work, that it could affect the real facts about how many people there are, as long as the definition of which billion is given?
You have done it again. Attributing to me something YOU introduced.

I asked "what difference does it make which definition is used?" Do you have an answer?
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So what?

It is childish just to ask the same question which someone asked you - but you frequently do it.
It is childish to resort to childish arguments and daft questions - but you invariably do it.

How does that affect the population of the world?
HTF do you think it could possibly affect the population of the world?

You have done it again. Attributing to me something YOU introduced.
The definition of the billion was related to the calculation, not the given population of the world. HTF could you make that mistake?

I asked "what difference does it make which definition is used?" Do you have an answer?
It affects the calculation, not the given numbers on which the calculation is based.
If the population of the world is 7.8 billion, that's based on US billions, and the recurrence of a certain event is 1 in 1,500, then the recurrences are about 5,000,000.
If the population is based on an old UK definition, then the recurrence of the same event is about 5,000,000,000.
I stated the use of a US billion to remove all doubt. But you managed to confuse the issue despite me stating precisely which calculation I'd used.
HTF did you manage that?
That's what I was always taught by my parents. ;):whistle:
They didn't explain that if they'd followed their own advice I wouldn't exist. :whistle:

Sorry my bad. The assigned label may be incorrect.
Everyone is assigned a male or female label. There are no other choices, but what to do when either choice is not appropriate?

In UK (at least) the birth certificate cannot be registered with the 'sex' label left blank.

The thread wasn't about intersex people. Are you wishing to include those now? If so, don't you have to adjust the statements you've been making all through?

If the baby had female bits but later assigns "it"self as a man, does that mean the sex was declared incorrectly? No.
Has it changed? No.
You have a female, who is a man, because the gender is now "man", though not male.
You might see him later in life breastfeeding the child he bore.
Trans implies change - there's no change at all, so that doesn't fit.

That mother is a man.

I still think it's a mess!
There aren't enough words...

Are we born with a gender?
The definition of the billion was related to the calculation, not the given population of the world.
That is where you went wrong.

HTF could you make that mistake?
I didn't; you did.

It affects the calculation, not the given numbers on which the calculation is based.
Rubbish. The population of the world is the population of the world irrespective of what you call it.

If the population of the world is 7.8 billion, that's based on US billions,
Yes (accepting that figure) the population is 7,800,000,000 irrespective of what you call it but you didn't mention that figure nor 7.8 billion - you just wrote:

Others have estimated 1 in 1,500
A child that is born neither male or female is a rare occurrence but babies born with some form of Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) happens in one in every 1,500 births, according to the support group Accord Alliance.
That's just over 5,000,000 at any one time, using the US definition of a billion.

and the recurrence of a certain event is 1 in 1,500, then the recurrences are about 5,000,000.
Based on the population which you had not mentioned either.

If the population is based on an old UK definition, then the recurrence of the same event is about 5,000,000,000.
No. You missed that too.
Using the UK definition it would be 0.0078 billion and the result the same.
The population doesn't change depending on what you call a billion.

I stated the use of a US billion to remove all doubt.
The only doubt was why you mentioned it at all - which is why I asked "What difference does it make?" -
and why you have tied yourself in knots trying to get out of it.

But you managed to confuse the issue despite me stating precisely which calculation I'd used.
I think you are the only one who is confused.

The only calculation is 7,800,000,000 / 1,500 = 5,200,000.

HTF did you manage that?
It's inevitable when discussing things with you.
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The thread wasn't about intersex people. Are you wishing to include those now? If so, don't you have to adjust the statements you've been making all through?
How can you exclude intersex people from a discussion about transgender people.
There are a myriad of reasons why transgender people transition, intersex is obviously just one of those reasons, which might have (undoubtedly would have) affected the incorrect label assigned to them at birth.
I repeat for the umpteenth time, a sex label has to be assigned at birth for the birth to be registered, and there is only a choice of two options: male or female. And a birth has to be registered within the first 6 weeks (in UK).
Yes (accepting that figure) the population is 7,800,000,000 irrespective of what you call it but you didn't mention that figure nor 7.8 billion - you just wrote:
Based on the population which you had not mentioned either.

The only doubt was why you mentioned it at all - which is why I asked "What difference does it make?" -
and why you have tied yourself in knots trying to get out of it.
That is because it is common knowledge, and easily available to anyone with a bit of nouse to acquire.
If I was talking about how long it takes to travel to the moon, I don't need to explain about how the moon is another planet, that it revolves around the earth, that it always has the same side facing the earth, etc, etc.
The only one who is tying one's self in knots is you.

The only calculation is 7,800,000,000 / 1,500 = 5,200,000.
That was the figure that I quoted, several times. It was only you that queried it for some unfathomable reason, going off into the realms of silly accusations and imagining that the world's population varies according to what system of numbers are used.
If the population of the world is 7.8 billion, that's based on US billions, and the recurrence of a certain event is 1 in 1,500, then the recurrences are about 5,000,000.
Others have estimated 1 in 1,500
A child that is born neither male or female is a rare occurrence but babies born with some form of Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) happens in one in every 1,500 births, according to the support group Accord Alliance.
That's just over 5,000,000 at any one time, using the US definition of a billion.

5,000,000 people,

h 5,000,000 people
How can you exclude intersex people from a discussion about transgender people.
There are a myriad of reasons why transgender people transition, intersex is obviously just one of those reasons, which might have (undoubtedly would have) affected the incorrect label assigned to them at birth.
I'm not excludng the intersex case, the thread has, so far.
It hasn't been considered in this thread so far, I believe. It's complicated; there are important differences in the issues between someone who has what might be called physical ambiguities, and someone who displays physical certainlty at birth but self-defines differently later. The discussion so far has all been about the latter, because that's where the problem lies.

I repeat for the umpteenth time, a sex label has to be assigned at birth for the birth to be registered, and there is only a choice of two options: male or female. And a birth has to be registered within the first 6 weeks (in UK).
Yes, we know, insofar as you are correct.. There's no need to repeat. The assignment at birth is essentially a "looks more like a..." physical determination though, so it cannot be wrong unless some for example some hidden gonads are missed or the chromosomes aren't checked. The determination may not turn out later to fit the gender of the person, but that's a different matter.

The core of the "up in arms" cis womens' grievance might be characterized by the case of the male, who later identifies as a woman allowing the person to wander about a womens' changing room and attack them, using male physical attributes.
That's not an invalid concern. it has happened.
There surely isn't a case where a female self-identifies as a man, then goes on to rape men.
In either case, it would be a tiny minority who would want to do either.

Technically yes, either could be seen as taking advantage of newly acquired rights, but let's be honest, the threat is almost entirely one-sided. It's women who are overwhelmingly more threatened. I'm not at all surprised some are livid. I daresay trans women can see that perfectly well, but as has been expressed, they have rights too.

I haven't heard a hint of a suggestion here or elsewhere for a practical and equitable solution.
I'm not excludng the intersex case, the thread has, so far.
It hasn't been considered in this thread so far, I believe.
I don't think you are correct, it has been alluded to several times precisely in this thread And it certainly has in other threads, and the discussion does tend to wander about between threads. I would have thought that most people will be aware of the recurrence of potentially intersex people (approx 5,000,000 at any one time)
So I would assume that people can assimilate the various separate discussions and comments into one overall discussion.
In fact, you alluded to it yourself in another thread:
The defnitions of the terms are in flux. Look at dictionaries, and the official view of the moment:
etc etc.

The definitions proposed in the original post lead logically to these: an adult female can be a man, and an adult male can be a woman.
Some people aren't happy with that, and it's a new way to consider the issues. Dictionarries, Wikipedia and so on still have contradicting definitions which were unquestioned a few years ago.

I'm not comfortable with the limited words we have, but I don't have an answer.
As pointed out above, "gender" is hard to pin down, now.
Can someone be 70% gender man and 30% gender woman? How would anyone measure it?
If they said they watch mostly heterosexual porn and some gay porn, They'd be labelled with a string of derogatory terms, so in most cases wouldn't admit it.

There are new words, in the "cis" group, but I don't see them catching on.
And it's been mentioned several times before in this thread:
Sorry my bad. The assigned label may be incorrect.
Everyone is assigned a male or female label. There are no other choices, but what to do when either choice is not appropriate?

In UK (at least) the birth certificate cannot be registered with the 'sex' label left blank.

What about when both sets of genitals are present, or neither are, or so indistinct to be unable to assign a label?
Without a 'sex' label in UK, the birth cannot be registered.

I think you mean when, It is a condition that occurs without doubt.

Perhaps the parents get to choose the sex.
The 2021 census was designed to asses the number of people affected, It hasn't been know before. Some researchers have estimated nearly 2% of the population.

Others have estimated 1 in 1,500
A child that is born neither male or female is a rare occurrence but babies born with some form of Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) happens in one in every 1,500 births, according to the support group Accord Alliance.
That's just over 5,000,000 at any one time, using the US definition of a billion.

And for the elimination of all doubt:

Intersex is an umbrella term that describes bodies that fall outside the strict male/female binary. There are lots of ways someone can be intersex.
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The core of the "up in arms" cis womens' grievance might be characterized by the case of the male, who later identifies as a woman allowing the person to wander about a womens' changing room and attack them, using male physical attributes.
That's not an invalid concern. it has happened.
There surely isn't a case where a female self-identifies as a man, then goes on to rape men.
In either case, it would be a tiny minority who would want to do either.

Technically yes, either could be seen as taking advantage of newly acquired rights, but let's be honest, the threat is almost entirely one-sided. It's women who are overwhelmingly more threatened. I'm not at all surprised some are livid. I daresay trans women can see that perfectly well, but as has been expressed, they have rights too.

I haven't heard a hint of a suggestion here or elsewhere for a practical and equitable solution.
As you said, it's a tiny minority of people who exploit their status, as it is for policemen who rape and murder women, as it is for women who murder their husband, as it is for MPs who break the codes, as it is for any crime.
You can't mandate a whole section of society, out of existence because a tiny minority might go on to commit a crime.
It is a fact of life that most inter-sex crimes are entirely one-sided. Spiking women at discos is entirely one-sided, but we can't outlaw syringes.
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...mandate a whole section of society, out of existence...

I see angleeyes is reintroducing this nonsense he made up.

He untruthfully accused me of desiring it earlier.

Causing people to cease to exist is not an issue.

It is a fantasy, or a lie, repeated by angleeyes
No you read it wrorngly.
Intersex is just physical, ie not "trans"
I just read 3 definitions.. Yours agrees if you read it all.

e.g. Wikipedia
Intersex people are individuals born with any of several sex characteristics including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies"

NOTHING to do with gender.
I would have thought that it is often a lot to do with gender, more so with intersex people, than others.
If one is incorrectly labelled at birth, then one may start ones life in the wrong gender. It is only when one realises that one is in the wrong gender, that one needs to transition, from one gender to the other, nothing to do with sex. This can happen at different stages during life for different people. One size does not fit all.
Therefore incorrect labelling at birth very much influences gender, at first assigned, then later chosen.
I'm pretty sure we've covered this before.
I see angleeyes is reintroducing this nonsense he made up.

He untruthfully accused me of desiring it earlier.

Causing people to cease to exist is not an issue.

It is a fantasy, or a lie, repeated by angleeyes
If you want to deny the existence of a section of society, and you want to change legislation to deny their legal rights, you are effectively, mandating them out of existence. They still exist, but are denied their right to exist. That is akin to genocide.
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