I making an alteration to the plumbing on our narrowboat to aid winter draining which includes adding a tee piece to a pair of low pipe runs (hot and cold) with an isolation valve which can be opened to drain the system, obviously then during use this remains closed and is not to pass water. Currently system is in 1992 vintage hep20.
Presumably the larger and more expensive of the below is the one to go for, as the other one is not designed be used permanently?
Im tempted to cap it off with a end fitting and remove that to drain, but that seems like overkill. I could use brass valves, but i dont know if they would be any better for the price, or cheaper.
Not reason speedfit (or any other 15mm based system) wont go onto the hep20? I have a few spare inserts if the speedfit ones wont go into the hep20.
Presumably the larger and more expensive of the below is the one to go for, as the other one is not designed be used permanently?
Im tempted to cap it off with a end fitting and remove that to drain, but that seems like overkill. I could use brass valves, but i dont know if they would be any better for the price, or cheaper.
Not reason speedfit (or any other 15mm based system) wont go onto the hep20? I have a few spare inserts if the speedfit ones wont go into the hep20.