Polo indicator light stopped working

6 Sep 2016
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United Kingdom
My VW Polo Mk 4 indicator front light stopped working. I replaced the bulb but still not working. All contacts are clean etc. No loose cables, junctions. The rear and side indicator works so can't be a fuse.

Any idea what it could be please ?
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I had same problem on my van recently, turned out it was the new bulb even though it looked fine when held up to the light. Took another bulb out which I knew to be working and tried that to prove it.
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Ok, we can assume therefore that the earth connection is fine.
So,it’s out with the multimeter to see if you are getting 12v at the bulb centre terminal. If that’s ok then you need to check the earth from the bulb holder to the body work.
Ok, we can assume therefore that the earth connection is fine.
So,it’s out with the multimeter to see if you are getting 12v at the bulb centre terminal. If that’s ok then you need to check the earth from the bulb holder to the body work.

But try another bulb 1st. Sounds silly but make sure it's the right 1. Not trying to put a twin filament bulb instead of single, or vise versa