Pound in biggest monthly fall against the dollar since 2016...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
So what happened in 2016?

Oh that's right...

"The last time the pound fell so much against the dollar was in October 2016, in the aftermath of the Brexit vote."

So what's happening now?

"Sterling sank again on Thursday morning, dipping below $1.16 on the currency markets.
Analysts said the fall reflects the darkening outlook for the economy, with consumers and businesses facing rising prices and soaring energy bills."

So if this is a worldwide problem, why is the UK being disproportionately badly hit?

Oh that's right, it isn't part of the largest trading bloc in the world and is thus more vulnerable...

What was the exchange rate before brexit?

I wonder how brexiteers are now spending that £108 that they paid the EU per annum without noticing? :LOL:
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The Japanese Yen fell to 140 against the dollar yesterday. At its lowest for over 25 years.
What's your point?
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In times of crisis there is a flight to safety - dollar is considered safety.
Our money is "funny money" only fit for the sheeple. Other countries don't want it.
Bidens tanking on the domestic front and needs the war in Ukraine to boost his chances in Novembers popularity contest.
Best to see what that brings before getting giddy.
Bidens tanking on the domestic front and needs the war in Ukraine to boost his chances in Novembers popularity contest.
Best to see what that brings before getting giddy.
It is expected for people to be griping about an incumbent President, come the mid-terms. The sway is usually away from the incumbent party. Oddly however, the tide seems to be turning back in favour of the Dem's. I think a lot is down to an orange idiot and his lousy Senate picks and the fact that the economy is calming just in time, like petrol prices coming down and the Infrastructure bill kicking in.

It will be interesting to see it play out. No one foresees a Red tsunami anymore. Could be a puddle?

Still does not alter the fact that USA and EU are financial powerhouses though. Facts eh. :rolleyes:
Bidens tanking on the domestic front and needs the war in Ukraine to boost his chances in Novembers popularity contest.
Best to see what that brings before getting giddy.
How did Sarah Palin get on?
Keeping my powder dry till November, I was never one for being able to read tea leaves
It is expected for people to be griping about an incumbent President, come the mid-terms. The sway is usually away from the incumbent party. Oddly however, the tide seems to be turning back in favour of the Dem's. I think a lot is down to an orange idiot and his lousy Senate picks and the fact that the economy is calming just in time, like petrol prices coming down and the Infrastructure bill kicking in.

It will be interesting to see it play out. No one foresees a Red tsunami anymore. Could be a puddle?

Still does not alter the fact that USA and EU are financial powerhouses though. Facts eh. :rolleyes:
The recent ruling by the Supreme Court in regard to abortion has sparked a fire throughout the country and swing voters are deciding for Democrats on that issue alone. As a result, the midterm elections will be closer than the Republicans thought.
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