Prejudice - Conflict of Interest versus Conflict of Value



As prejudice regularly arises on this forum, can I propound a thread for discussion in an orderly manner?

Prejudice, as I see it, has two faces:

1. Conflict of Value:
It's something that one has within one's value set. I.e. it's perhaps something that has been taught by parents/peers, etc. Those that see prejudice, in this light, consider it as normal and acceptable.
These kind of people may have a particular prejudice against many or few sections of society.

2. Conflict of Interest
This is when one can understand the need for say, immigration control, benefit fraud investigation, pensions modifications, etc, because it is required in order to maintain an even economy. There will be humanitarian reasons for bypassing the normal procedures, e.g. genuine reasons for hardship, political asylum, disability, etc.

Prejudice in the first instance is out-and-out prejudice for its own sake whereas, in the second instance, it's an attempt to openly discuss the issues and seek to address the different parties interests in an acceptable result.
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I must be a bit thick because I can't really tell what point you are making. Can you clarify it a bit?
If I said that a Conflict of Value is usually irreconcilable because it's like comparing one religion with another, there's no room for compromise.

Whereas, in a Conflict of Interest there's a possible compromise to be reached by the parties relaxing their monetary value of their interest, and perhaps some compensation awarded to one or all parties to relieve their conflict.

Does that help?
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Prejudice in the first instance is out-and-out prejudice for its own sake whereas, in the second instance, it's an attempt to openly discuss the issues and seek to address the different parties interests in an acceptable result.
Political correctness and positive discrimination thwarts any rational open debate IMO. They are two sides of the same discriminatory coin; arguably worse than what was before.

The second you talk about any issue regarding race or colour you’re on a hiding to nothing unless, and until, you tow the party line...