Propaganda ... true or false, racist or not ?

Precisely, and that's the problem. There's a lack of control over exactly who we get and also numbers.

Some, mainly Eastern European, will make a positive contribution. Others will just be a constant expense and problematic.

It seems obvious that Europeans can assimilate quite easily into our society. Others from Africa, Asia and Arabic countries will never fully integrate because they are at odds with our society and values. This often turns to disaffection leading to crime, often violent crime including terrorism.

So your issue is with non EU immigration which BREXIT has no relevance.

Ironically I agree with some of your points about immigration but I look at the data to draw a conclusion. We had control of EU immigration we simply chose no to - it's been pointed out on here. The fact was EU immigration there was a net positive to the country. Now as to non EU immigration that is totally under our control.

No one has an issue with deporting illegal immigrants no matter how you think people to the left of your right wing views think. We have about 35k asylum applications per year and we grant about half.
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Yes, the treacherous politicians are quite happy for them to flock here, because they won't be living next to them. Their kids won't be going to school with them. The politicians won't have a mosque on their doorsteps. The politicians won't have their communities changed.

It's ordinary people like us that will have all the social problems, etc, etc to deal with. There's something very sinister and corrupt going on with the whole issue, not just here, but in Europe, US, Oz, Nz, etc, etc.

But the flakes want us to look away and ignore the problem.

So which party represents you?

No one is ignoring the issue, we simply are saying if you think the same politicians behind a hard Brexit will cut immigration then you are sadly wrong. To them Brexit is a form of disaster capitalism to cut regulations.
Lets just address 1 of your unsubstantiated claims. Others are already showing you up on some of your other headline claims.

We know from all of the above that comparing rape statistics between countries is an error-prone process, but what about the other argument often put forward: that there has been a "dramatic rise in sexual crime" in Sweden caused by its intake of refugees?

Again, it doesn't ring true, and this time because the numbers don't add up. According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), the number of rapes reported annually in the country per 100,000 citizens has been relatively steady for almost a decade.

In 2016 there were 67 reported rapes per 100,000 people, 60 in 2015, 69 in 2014, 63 in 2013, 66 in 2012, 69 in 2011, 64 in 2010 and 2009, 59 in 2008 and 52 in 2007.

Those figures show there was actually a 12 percent dip in the number of rapes reported in Sweden in 2015 – the year the country received a record 163,000 asylum applications, at the peak of the refugee crisis.

But don't let real information get in the way .


You actually believe the official Swedish stats. They are so desperate to cover up the truth in ultra-liberal Sweden that they stopped recording the race of offenders some years ago. Rape is often classified as something else.

Suppose you also believe that there aren't any Asian rape gangs in places like Rotherham. It was covered up by authorities, just like the Swedish rape epidemic.
No, the flakes want increased taxes to improve the welfare state, education and policing, to make society safer. And an end to letting the wealthiest people in society screw everybody else.
We just know not to blame immigrants on a failing political system.
Rising crime in UK - “This is clearly a national problem that requires national solutions from the Government.
Immigrants have always been blamed when things go wrong, but history teaches us that they are never the problem. In 1904, the Tories passed the Aliens Bill to make political capital out of fears about Irish and Jewish immigrants. The aim is always the same: let the elites off the hook, and blame foreigners for all the ills of society instead.
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So which party represents you?

No one is ignoring the issue, we simply are saying if you think the same politicians behind a hard Brexit will cut immigration then you are sadly wrong. To them Brexit is a form of disaster capitalism to cut regulations.

None of the political parties. Different colours, but the same dishonesty. They have let the situation get out of control, with an unsustainably large increase in the UK population that will continue. Few politicians have any solutions.
None of the political parties. Different colours, but the same dishonesty. They have let the situation get out of control, with an unsustainably large increase in the UK population that will continue. Few politicians have any solutions.

Thats neo liberal policies. In the US you have the powerful Koch brothers who were happy for Trump to get into power even after initially funding candidates who were against him. Trump cut taxes and regulation and they didnt say a word. But the moment he raised tariffs and wanted to limit immigration they were up in arms.

New Labour and the tories have been proponents of this neo liberalism economics. List some economic policies you like or would want implemented.

You actually believe the official Swedish stats. They are so desperate to cover up the truth in ultra-liberal Sweden that they stopped recording the race of offenders some years ago. Rape is often classified as something else.

Suppose you also believe that there aren't any Asian rape gangs in places like Rotherham. It was covered up by authorities, just like the Swedish rape epidemic.

Oh the official statistics are wrong.

Or just disagree with what you want them to say?

Don't let facts get in the way of your headline reading
Oh the official statistics are wrong.

Or just disagree with what you want them to say?

Don't let facts get in the way of your headline reading
RACoff is your typical RWR nutter. He's not happy unless he's masturbating to the latest hate filled Tommy Robinson YouTube vid. He'd die of pleasure if he ever saw Pat Condell and Tommy Robinson get married.
You been perving through my window, knowall? Someone said they'd seen a permatanned weirdo hanging around the neighbourhood with their builder's arris hanging out of skinny jeans. Next time I'll set my Ridgeback, Enoch, on you. :ROFLMAO:
Immigrants have always been blamed when things go wrong, but history teaches us that they are never the problem

The lwr are the biggest problem and when the foreigners arrive here they join up with them.
You been perving through my window, knowall? Someone said they'd seen a permatanned weirdo hanging around the neighbourhood with their builder's arris hanging out of skinny jeans. Next time I'll set my Ridgeback, Enoch, on you. :ROFLMAO:

Whilst were fighting with eachother it takes the heat off them. Divide and conker innit. :confused:

Wonder what the end game is???
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