
10 Jul 2004
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United Kingdom
Is it just me or is trade qiuet, this must be the least my phone has rung at this time of year since I went on my own 15 years ago.
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just wait till after xmas, when loads of people get DIY stuff and **** up....
Yes quiet here too, the day bg were on strike I didn't get a call. Had two today, fortunately I could fix them both, soldered a dodgy track on a pcb on one and fitted a high limit stat on the other.

I'm winding down anyway, have a hospital job on a building site I can go and do any time I like over the break so I'll dip into that if not enough boilers break down and not enough overflows start spouting before we get back to sanity.
I am wondering how much trade is disapearing to imported labour and an awful lot of new vans appearing on the scene from people I have never heard of, I think business could well get worse permanently.
I think they are probably charging silly low prices which they wont realise cant sustain a business until it is too late, by then we will all have a lost a lot of money as well which will kill off decent tradesmen and only leave the crraapp.
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Well it's not surprising is it? All a diyer has to do is to post a query on something like diynut or diynat, and some dozy dipsticks, who have no real life, answer their questions.

Worse, all the cheap imports ALSO post their broken English questions AND THEY get their questions answered too!!!. So if they have a G4 phone, they can post on-site, have a cuppa, and have the answer in 20 mins. One to one on-site training for the price of an email, not bed eh?
Well judging by the manufacturers' drinking sessions locally the biggest influx in my area is older gents who were once plumbers of some description getting to the age of worthlessness to an employer and "going back on the tools". I have no argument with them, I am oldish too and had to come into this job because of circumstances beyond my control which forced me out of the nhs (a bitch lying witch ward sister who has since been taken to tribunal but quit her job before they could strike her off, but since I was treated so badly I wouldn't go back for love nor money). Can I just say it is perfecdt heavenb working in a blokes job at last! You wouldn't believe the caniving bitching lying evil environment a man has to put up with when he's the minority sex, but the world isn't interested in bi directional sexual descrimination.

We don't have imigrants. They are causing a lot of problems at the main employer within reach where they slaughter pigs and package them for the super markets, most of the UK workers have been shoved out in favour opf cheaper Polish and the like from Hull and other big cities around.

As a nation we have to sharpen up, these imigrants are good at their work and prepared to work for much less.

Only results will get pay.

Now I have part p if I top it up with 16th ed and fiull I and T I could go sparky route, they seemt to be getting their turn of the wheel, but to be honest I find that thick wire hard to work with compared to pipe. I suppose you get used to it.
Agree with you Paul, and if you could go to a country that would pay you a months wages for a weeks work, and look after your health, then let you send the money home...I`d be first in the queue :LOL: We need to do more than sharpen up..... We need Thatcher Back :p We know about the NHS too :evil: My wife`s been involved in it since the 60`s.that`s another story tho`.Oilman, I `m trying to get a life, honest :LOL: :LOL:
Good idea, further, if we gave offence as well, that might make the tight fisted gits go away and get a professional in. There would be a bit of flak from the recently joined saddos who think we should be polite and not cause offence. Considering how many of the same pathetic questions arise (sometimes several a day on ONE subject) it's about time the posters realised life is hard!!!!!! and they will have to wipe their own noses sometime. :evil:
Oilman, what you don't seem to appreciate is that sites like this are among the most beautiful things to emerge from the internet, if not the entire human race. It's partly why I read it with interest beyond the nuts and bolts.

In today's ME! ME! ME! culture (for want of a better word) it is heartening to know there are people out there happy to give their time and knowledge to help others in difficulty - people they don't even know and, perhaps, may not like if they met them face to face. You have answered enough questions yourself, albeit in your sometimes tetchy manner. Why do YOU bother?

To the immense credit of those involved, one of today's posts was obviously from a recent arrivist to the UK wanting to learn about boiler installation courses - just the kind of guy who you pro's believe are taking their jobs - but not a sneering word was used against him. It's human nature and British character at its best.

You should be proud to be counted among that elite.
Don't forget the problem of gas fitters not registered in their own right not insured in their own right not gwn'ing possibly not fitting steamers? not part P qualified, doing jobs cheap.

I met one only yesterday, young kid really, works for big local heating company prowdly told me how much money he's been making running upo to Christmas doing "private" jobs in the evening. He charges £10 an hour cash in hand.

We don't stand a chance.
it is the same with other peoples job as well.
i have found to get a plumber to change a central heating pump duff bearings 8 yrs old was 2 half days off work and thats why i did a diy job
the one chap who rang back said call out fee diagnosis fee and may need powerflush ?????? :evil:

in the end half an hour and 1 hacksaw blade and £33 for pump and he wanted best part of £200 and £450 for a powerflush.
but he did tell me when he does a job its always fixed first time and he had a new merc van with all the parts for all central heating jobs
this site does help many people and has given faith in the term central heating engineers KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and others web sites forums for eg medical are well used.
remember every body is an expert in something
happy xmas
Nothing to be concerned about really lads (and lassies). ;)

With all them steamers going in these days, there'll be masses
of work for you all. It's just around the corner. :)

A Merry Christmas to all - especially them

BARCELONA owners :evil: :LOL: :LOL:
well half the reason they let Poland in the EEC was to keep your wages down... so thats worked then. For some reason in this area (cornwall) they seem to have cornered the carpet laying market and not much else.
PaulAH said:
Oilman, what you don't seem to appreciate is that sites like this are among the most beautiful things to emerge from the internet, if not the entire human race. It's partly why I read it with interest beyond the nuts and bolts.

If I was that bad I think I'd stick my head in the flue, never mind a liner.

In today's ME! ME! ME! culture (for want of a better word) it is heartening to know there are people out there happy to give their time and knowledge to help others in difficulty - people they don't even know and, perhaps, may not like if they met them face to face. You have answered enough questions yourself, albeit in your sometimes tetchy manner. Why do YOU bother?

I had to learn somehow.

To the immense credit of those involved, one of today's posts was obviously from a recent arrivist to the UK wanting to learn about boiler installation courses - just the kind of guy who you pro's believe are taking their jobs - but not a sneering word was used against him. It's human nature and British character at its best.

Or at its most contrary.

You should be proud to be counted among that elite.

Elite? ELITE? Where's my NewYear's honours list nomination then? or anybody elses?

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