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OK, I get the drift that everybody promises not to use Google for the answers, & as you didn't seem to take my previous questions seriously, here's a good one.

"What is the 3844th numerical character in the Pi sequence"?

Google that one you fukkerz . . .

Get a question right then its your go
OK, I get the drift that everybody promises not to use Google for the answers, & as you didn't seem to take my previous questions seriously, here's a good one. "What is the 3844th numerical character in the Pi sequence"? Google that one you fukkerz . . .
Would someone with a genius IQ and eidetic memory know?
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I wonder if someone with a genius IQ and eidetic memory could know the answer

I know folk who can go into the high 1000's of Pi's value. It tends to bore us, Pi isn't all that usefull when you pondering the Mandlebrot set.
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