Rainbow badge scheme

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Oh dear how dare they and than to top it all off people like you (?) see nothing wrong in it and actually support this nonsense
You are conflating different things and coming to the wrong conclusion.

Stick to the subject (the OP) at hand.
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Yeah . And my opinion is that he hit the nail on the head . Most of the waffle on here is opinions . Do you not get it ?
But you have expressed your intolerance to L.GBTQ. You vehemently disagree with it.

Nope . We just don't need it forced down our necks , and when I see money being poured into these things instead of being put to much better use it annoys me . I'm not the only one. alot of poeple I know / meet share the same views , some don't tend to speak out because they are then branded as 'bigots'
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Yes. My opinion is you haven't got a clue. But you support the opinions of others. Good lad.
As do you. Remember you are questioning the source of this post, yet have no evidence to back up your argument. If the mail article is reasonably accurate. This is a move to prioritise LGBTQ+ preferences above those who are not. That is unlawful.

I know plenty of gay people who find the whole change the world approach abhorrent and worrying.

Gay men sometimes have special medical needs due to certain damage that can occur, trans people also can have problems due to hormones and surgery. These things need to be treated with sensitivity, but that should not extend to forcing everyone else to change what they call things.

Non-binary language is confusing in English and doesn’t exist in many other languages. Can you imagine “they need 10mg of insulin”. Who ? All of them?

99% of women and men want to be called woman, man, mother, father etc. The word breastfeeding is not offensive and woman’s health is clearly for people with vaginas etc. just as men’s health deals with people who have prostates.

The gay score badge is a waste of money, time and prioritises the wrong things while having the potential to cause unlawful behaviour.
As do you. Remember you are questioning the source of this post, yet have no evidence to back up your argument. If the mail article is reasonably accurate. This is a move to prioritise LGBTQ+ preferences above those who are not. That is unlawful.
We know it's not. Therefore your argument is lost because of your dependence on the Mail article being accurate. :rolleyes:

I know plenty of gay people who find the whole change the world approach abhorrent and worrying.
And I know more gay people than you that would disagree with you.
And my dad's bigger than your dad. :rolleyes:

Gay men sometimes have special medical needs due to certain damage that can occur, trans people also can have problems due to hormones and surgery. These things need to be treated with sensitivity, but that should not extend to forcing everyone else to change what they call things.
Please show us in the Rainbow Badge guide where it mentions : forcing everyone else to change. :rolleyes:
Oh, that's right, you can't because you can't find the guide. Your summation is based on the Mail article. :rolleyes:

Non-binary language is confusing in English and doesn’t exist in many other languages.
Nonsense. other languages and cultures recognise more than simple binary genders.

99% of women and men want to be called woman, man, mother, father etc.
Show us this poll.

The word breastfeeding is not offensive
Who said it was? The Mail? :rolleyes:

The gay score badge is a waste of money, time
In your opinion. Perhaps you'd wish to go back to the old days when matrons were more like Seragent Majors?

while having the potential to cause unlawful behaviour.
Total nonsense.
Show us a real world possible scenario that might meet your example.
Not some imaginary scenario based on the Mail's lies.
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Remember you are questioning the source of this post, yet have no evidence to back up your argument.
My argument is that you are relying on the Mail and have no evidence of what they claim.

Do you mean I have no evidence that the Mail, or you, have no evidence for your claims? Really?
but that should not extend to forcing everyone else to change what they call things.
The scheme is optional. And not everyone in a Trust who chooses to adopt it has to wear the badge or be involved. Yet you claim people are forced into it.
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