Rayburn's revenge....

7 Feb 2008
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United Kingdom
I think I may have finally beaten this thing into submission.
(Double burner, soft start Nu Way MX499k).
As the thing would go to frequent lockout, this was due to the initial start up pump pressure being as low as 60 psi due to a faulty bypass valve in the manifold that is pressurised by the pump up to 145 psi. The fuel couldn't atomise hence no ignition and lockout. Cleaning the hidden bypass allowed 100 psi initially so the flame could establish, and it would switch to 145 psi after 20 sec.
The Rayburn needing to be reset due to overheating was due to the water circulating pump overrun stat not working...I found a replacement that keeps the pump on once the boiler temp reached 65 deg, and stopped the pump when it came back down to 62 deg.
The replacement ST6400c programmer works brilliantly...!
If the thing doesn't start tomorrow morning I shall be found hanging from a nearby tree...I hate this thing with a vengance! :D
John :)
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Whats this all about?

Is there a previous posting which you should have been adding to?

What was wrong with the bypass valve?

I thought they were usually just a ball and a spring?

This has been an ongoing battle for a few weeks now, and I've had massive assistance from people on here.....basically its an oil fired Rayburn, giving DHW, CH and cooking which has had all sorts of problems. The Nu Way burner was only used by Rayburn for 2 years and therefore there are no unique spares or indeed any worth while information available. It was locking out after switching off because there wasn't a pump overrun stat fitted, the programmer packed in and there was a hidden PCB with faults on it that no one knew about - that sort of thing. No engineer would entertain its repair, and even Nu Way didn't really want to know. Hence my euphoria when I eventually got somewhere! Have a good day, John :)

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