Rayburn soft start burner

7 Feb 2008
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United Kingdom
This Rayburn 499K I'm working on has a double Nu Way burner, one for the boiler and one for the cooker, single pump. Both burners incorporate a soft start for 20 sec. On the first start of the day (boiler) there is a smoke trace at the chimney that lasts for around 3 sec, then alls clear. The smoke test is zero, and CO2 is 11.2% when its running so I've no worries there. Pump pressure is 145 psi as recommended. Is the smoke on start up the norm? Any comments would be appreciated.
Cheers and good day all, John :)
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Would you say thats black smoke from burnt fuel?

It sounds to me as if its not igniting immediately resulting in a surplus of fuel at the ignition point.

Is spark gap correct and insulators clean ( and not getting condensate on them overnight ) ?

In theory it could be the onset of ignition is late or the fuel is being dekivered before the spark. Both nless likely of course but anything is possible.

Hi Tony
I'd say the smoke was unburnt fuel - possibly residual kerosene in the fire box but the pump is new and there are 2 solenoids blocking things before the nozzle so I wouldn't expect any dribble.
The electrodes are ok, not new but gap and position is correct and the burner lights up every time.
I can't tell if the ignition is on time or not but you could be onto something there.....many thanks for your time mate
Cheers John :)
Presumably they have independent controlers which you could change over to see if its a timing issue caused by the controller?

Sounds as if its going to be a lengthy repair process if you have to get there first thing before its been started for the day and only have one chance to see the fault each day!

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Yes, you're right, each burner has its own controller (Landis I think ) so I can swap them over. The house is thankfully next door ( I'm caretaking it) so long as it doesn't soot up I'll not lose any sleep over that one!
However, a new post follows concerning the same installation....
Cheers John :)
Unburnt fuel will show as a yellowish tinge on the smoke paper.
If no soot is produced, don't worry about it.
Probably due to the flue being cold.
Hi Terry
I didn't do a smoke test when the thing was starting up, only when it had been running for a few minutes, and it showed zero.
I've decided to ignore that bit anyway...as my other post shows it hasn't finished haunting me yet!
Cheers John :)

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