Removing supply fuse?

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27 Aug 2003
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United Kingdom
Let's hope that maxwellm made a note of the advice on how to do it safely before it got censored out of existence.....
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The topic is there, but the posts with advice on how to maximise the safety of doing it have been removed.
That's stupid. They don't want us to do it, so they make it unsafe. Making those people stop posting such things by alternative means perhaps` :eek:
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Sorry BAS. I obviously didn't see the other posts. I thought the advice given by SS was the only answer.

The shame is, it could deter someone making similar posts in the future. Instead, they may just wing it. (even more dangerous than having no advice at all).
I am surprised that this debate about whether to pull the service fuse has rumbled on for quite a while with no problem, then all of a sudden stuff disappears. Why is it suddenly decided that it should be deleted, and threads locked?

Like all good debates, I offered the other side of the coin. I didn't want people who are perhaps unfamiliar, untrained and with no safety gear getting blase about pulling the fuse, thinking it is OK just because some posters say it is OK.
yeah securespark the mods have decided to take your side (through deleting posts) in every argument on the subject possiblly for legal cover your arse reasons

i have stopped directly advising people to do it on here but if they have already decided to do it i would rather point out the risks involved and how they can be mitigated than go into a straight off don't do it statement
It's a tricky one. I'm worried that it might set a dangerous precedent for next year, when people come here asking for advice, and the answer they get will be "Sorry - we will not tell you how to do that safely as you are not allowed to do it."
btw i did see a post from the original poster saying he got my info before the topic was censored

Don't get the hump, mate.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am worried that people will come here and see a post advising something, think it's OK, and tackle it, despite not knowing fully the risks involved.

At the end of the day, that's what this forum is about, isn't it? We should be giving people safe, sound advice. To inform and educate people so they know the full story. Of course we can't stop people doing something risky, but the least we can do is furnish them with the full information- what they do with that then is up to them.

It is for this reason that I err on the side of caution and advise against tampering with the cutout.
securespark its not you im humped with

i know we have different points of view with regards this issue and i have become much more cautious when giving out such advice in light of what you have said

what im humped with is the moderators
securespark said:
At the end of the day, that's what this forum is about, isn't it? We should be giving people safe, sound advice. To inform and educate people so they know the full story. Of course we can't stop people doing something risky, but the least we can do is furnish them with the full information- what they do with that then is up to them.

Remember this guy: // ?

" i can't be **** replacing my whole consumer unit"

" please and don't try to suggest that I need a new consumer unit. I don't take kindly to bigheads who treat home electrics as a fashion parades"

" All I wished to know is whether or not anyone knows where I can find a suitable plug in MCB. Personal (and they are personal) opinions do not matter to me and I do not wish to know anything else as I am quite aware of the risks. "


If untrained guy tries to remove the fuse and fries, would you feel sorry for him?

There are certain things that should be left to the professionals, I love diy but
don't want to die in the process. Too many people like to imagine that they
can fool around with gas or mains electricity.

I think you guys were right to advise against such action..I've worked with
steam, gas, and electricity as part of my previous job - but I would NEVER try
to fool around with mains electricity or gas in my own home....

Regards Hammy....
if an untrained guy trys to connect a new CU to the tails without removing the service fuse and frys would you feel sorry for him?

if changing the CU and/or adding a small CU with henly blocks you have basically 1 choice

1: get the rec out

option 1 is the correct option but recs can often be very uncoperative and/or slow

also in terms of danger from direct contact it makes no difference whether the small amount of exposed live metal you may see as you pull a fuseholder out (and who can honestly say they havn't pulled a rewirable out of a CU live) is backed up by a 100A fuse or a 1200A fuse

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