Repair outside pebble dash

12 Aug 2017
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United Kingdom
hi all. Just purchased my first home and I went to change the outside light.
Very much to my annoyance behind the light fixing plate there was no render just the grey concrete brick. In order to put my new outdoor light on which is a different shape I will need to render and pebble dash the area.

Can anyone tell me where I can buy the render and stones from and how I would go about it. I have checked online and seen some places for the pebbles but not the render or how it should be applied.

Attached are 3 images, 2 of the pebble dash on rest of the house and one of the old light base


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Dont bother about making good with dash, a flat background is best - but if you must then there's usually enough loose stone at the base of the wall(s) to fill a patch.
Builders supplies would usually let you have a handful of stone from a larger bag.
A sand and cement mix can be bought dry in small bags.
White sand and snowcrete, chips are either ezno or dolomite if memory serves.

A patch is going to stand out like a sore thumb..even by a pro.

Mount the light on a finished piece of wood the proper shape.
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White sand and snowcrete, chips are either ezno or dolomite if memory serves.

A patch is going to stand out like a sore thumb..even by a pro.

Mount the light on a finished piece of wood the proper shape.

Its funny you say that because last night thinking about the hassle of patching it up and it being in close up view of who ever comes to the door will clearly see its different and patched it. I am going to return the original light I have and find one with a base that will cover the current size hole I have.

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