Reset User Code on Visonic PowerMax Complete

27 Feb 2013
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United Kingdom

I recently got a Visonic PowerMax Complete system installed via an authorised installer. After installation, he changed the user code to the code I wanted.

I have been using the keyfobs to arm/disarm the system and never used the user code since the installation. Recently, I wanted to add a new keyfob and you require the user code to do this. The problem is I can't remember the code. I have tried all possible combination without luck.

I might be able to get the installer code from the guy who installed this. He can't remember what the user code was.

Is there any way I can reset the user code using the key fob or installer code?

The guy wants to charge £70 to come out and reset these codes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Why should the installer remember, or even have known your code in the first place?

Get him out.

It's called security, you've forgotten. No one's fault but your own.

£70, quite a reasonable charge from any one, other than *D*.
Thanks mate. I was not tring to blame the installer and I agree that this is completely my fault.

What I was trying to understand is if there is a way either using the key fob or installer code to reset the user code?

If not, i know I will have to spen the money and get this sorted.

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I don't know this panel unfortunately, but usually the master code is needed, to change codes, prog. fobs etc.

A fob, as far as the panel is concerned, is just another code, that's why you need to take note of the above.
open the panel lid power down the alarm,mains and battery,you will see three pins def,put a link on ef and power the panel back up.remove the link and this will default the user code to 1111.any good.

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