Rogues Gallery

WoodYouLike said:
notb665 said:
Here is me:

You're scary !

Huff! Thanks WYL. I'm not going to comment on your physical appearance, either way. Tsk. Tchoh. ;) :LOL:

What's all that yellow and blue and pink behind you?
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notb665 said:
Huff! Thanks WYL. I'm not going to comment on your physical appearance, either way. Tsk. Tchoh. ;) :LOL:

What's all that yellow and blue and pink behind you?

I wouldn't know, honestly! My old mum (71) just learned to use the computer and several photo prgrams. She send it over to me, showing off her editing skills ;)
(You don't want to know what she made my brothers look like ;))
Moz said:

is your mum a "silver surfer" on the net too?

Don't think so, she does a little bit of emailing though.
The last two years she's getting lots of software certificates through a training club (presume filled with other 'silver' ladies) and after that she 'shows-off' by emailing me the largest files ever :evil:
(The largest one was over 2mb! A Powerpoint presentation filled with pictures she took during the refurbishment of her kitchen! But ah well, I can't complain, she does make an effort to email us back regular since we moved to the U.K.)
Hey - HairyJon

How's about a piccy of your crowning (or should that be chinning??) glory?

And, for that matter, how about Ban posting a piccy of his ugly mug here???

Let's "out" a few more people.....
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I was thinking that if people didn't post, we should hunt out our own pictures for an affectionate, no offence intended, view of how we imagined them. But then I fell at the first hurdle as I was looking for a picture of Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse being Frank Doberman (Oi! Noooo !) and George to represent Slogger and B.O.B. but couldn't........ :D
I'm pretty sure that I'll come to regret doing this, but here we go:

sorry but didnt Dr Who jab you in the back of the neck to kill you solarians
Moz said:
sorry but didnt Dr Who jab you in the back of the neck to kill you solarians
Well, yes, strictly speaking he did, which could be why I appear to be wearing that "keep-your-children-well-away-from-him" leer. Sorry.
softus, I laughed at your pic (not your face!!).
Reminded me of various pics I have of hubby proud as punch holding up fish he has caught.

First one being a tiny thing (that yes he put back) but he was still grinning from ear to ear with 'catch'.

so, tell me... is that pic the DIY equivalent???

do you show that around the van and say beat that if you can then???

good on you for posting your pic... I wouldnt dare :oops:
toffee said:
softus, I laughed at your pic (not your face!!).
Reminded me of various pics I have of hubby proud as punch holding up fish he has caught.

First one being a tiny thing (that yes he put back) but he was still grinning from ear to ear with 'catch'.

so, tell me... is that pic the DIY equivalent???

do you show that around the van and say beat that if you can then???

good on you for posting your pic... I wouldnt dare :oops:
Thanks toffee :)

That look was supposed to be one of irony, not of pride, but I know nothing of angling so perhaps this is indeed the plumbing equivalent ;)

As for being brave, mmm, probably not; stupid more like. But if I were you? Female, with wit and sense, and knowing the literary antics of the blokes on this forum, I wouldn't let a photo of me near the site :eek:

PS I don't have a van - don't like 'em; but then who does :evil:
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