Should the US have a 10 day Auditing Process on Voting Fraud.

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I don't really see any merit in comparing it to what happens(d) in UK or any where else.
If there was voter fraud, it needs to be evaluated as to whether it changes the outcome and dealt with for future elections. If there wasn't, it's just a nuisance and those calling for it will be vilified for the time and ex-pence wasted.

See what I did there?
I don't care, its US politics so we should have no say in it whatsoever.
What we think about it does not matter.
The BBC lists the attempt as:
Biden election: Mike Pence 'welcomes' senators' bid to derail result.
I tend to agree that it is just another antic.
But would it be so wrong to allow a 10-day auditing process. It won't derail the ceremony process, that's not due for 17 days.

Because there has been over 50 frivolous lawsuits which have been thrown out. They lack merit and evidence.

As to Ted Cruz.

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NO. The rule of law has been upheld so far. There is zero evidence. What next?

Mike Pence Is thoroughly ashamed of the bunch of ****s he's being muscled to front, so is making the very softest support sounds he can without sicking up in his own mouth.
I am looking forward to seeing Trump being dragged screaming from the White House - preferably by the military - complete and utter **** that he is.
Moi aussi. I hope he stays put so that he is literally dragged out of the White House. What an utter c**t.
The people in Florida who live near his golf resort are even trying to prevent him living there in the future - not sure how they could do that but they don't want him there.
but they don't want him there.
Who does? He's been ousted from New York and he and his family are seen as some kind of disease there. Most financial institutions are embarrassed to even mention his (toxic) name.

Cyrus Vance I think, is first in line to deal the initial legal blow. The rest will follow now that his immunity protection is about to end.
I don't care, its US politics so we should have no say in it whatsoever.
What we think about it does not matter.

Seems to be an awful lot of people on this forum who appear to live outside the UK telling us what to do. But anyway, whatever happens in America affects the whole world. If America goes to war we have to join in. If America starts WW3 (and the idiot trump just might before he leaves office) then we will have to join in and we will be killed. Of course we should be highly highly interested in what goes on in America and we should be able to influence it in some way or at least be able to stick our oar in even though it, probably, wont have much effect on what goes on over there.
Because there has been over 50 frivolous lawsuits which have been thrown out. They lack merit and evidence.
I fully agree. But if there is no voter fraud, and the democrats are convinced this is the case, what is the harm in allowing a 10 day audit process to conclude and present its findings?
It won't delay the inaugural process.
I fully agree. But if there is no voter fraud, and the democrats are convinced this is the case, what is the harm in allowing a 10 day audit process to conclude and present its findings?
It won't delay the inaugural process.

Why encourage them, they won's stop.
Your Life in France must be sooooo boring.
Well, I don't know what you're doing, but I'm writing music on the PC, so it's very easy to switch between progarmmes when I want/need a break from intense concentration.
What you up to that is so boring you feel the need to entertain yourself by making silly comments on social media?
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