Signing in when visiting pubs and restaurants

The problem is that with complete surveilance it may have been started with "genuine and good intentions" but what happens when and if we somehow get a bad actor in power somehow and he starts to misuse that power?
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The problem is Regan that once something has been rolled out it sometimes can get misused. A well documented case of "mission creep" of powers that have been provided to local counsels is when laws meant to prevent terrorism were used to spy/surveil mothers lying about where they live in order to get their kids into a better school or spying on people to see who was not using their rubbish bins correctly - these powers were never taken back once they were given I don't think

Sometimes they might be rolled back as in the USA when there was the Snowden leaks although I'm not certain about how many were rolled back exactly

Exactly. It's the same story with any powers given to the 'authorities'. Starts off with sensible sounding intentions, but they don't know when to stop. It was the same with H&S. Started off well and was necessary because of high deaths in construction, and it brought deaths down significantly. But H&S is now a monster that interferes with everyone's lives unnecessarily. Any overbearing rule or restriction is now put down to 'elf 'n' safety.

That's why I can't understand why some on here are desperate to throw away freedoms for the illusion of protection provided by a regime that will predictably abuse those powers and make life almost not worth living. But some people can't see the dangers and never learn.
Interesting article. Firstly I'd no idea that Chile was making such good progress with the vaccines! Good for them!
Apparently the pandemic is now reaching the highest it's ever been? That doesn't make sense if so many people have been vaccinated though??
The lockdown is more like a crackdown - not allowed to get food and medical supplies and then needing a permit during the week

Unfortunately I think people making plans for holidays, etc later in the year will be disappointed. They may give a brief taste of freedom in the warmer months because respiratory diseases naturally decline then. But soon the restrictions will be back. May come to it that we have to take our freedoms back or put up with this for a very long time.
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Do you think that we're not going to get back to a semblance of normality this year Regan?
Do you think that we're not going to get back to a semblance of normality this year Regan?

They're already talking about the next wave and fascinating sounding scariants. No end to distancing and masks in sight, furlough extended to Sept, Covid powers extended for another 6 months. So no, not really.
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Exactly. It's the same story with any powers given to the 'authorities'. Starts off with sensible sounding intentions, but they don't know when to stop. It was the same with H&S. Started off well and was necessary because of high deaths in construction, and it brought deaths down significantly. But H&S is now a monster that interferes with everyone's lives unnecessarily. Any overbearing rule or restriction is now put down to 'elf 'n' safety.

That's why I can't understand why some on here are desperate to throw away freedoms for the illusion of protection provided by a regime that will predictably abuse those powers and make life almost not worth living. But some people can't see the dangers and never learn.

Whats also happened is that a lot of weak managers hide behind the catch all excuse of Health and Safety and use that as a cover for their own mismanagement or decisions. The amount of times I have heard can't do this because of Covid restrictions - when I have pointed out they are wrong. It takes on a mind of its own.

This Government has taken every opportunity to line its own pockets and curtail freedoms when its not warranted. Why do you think they have added the restrictions to protesting? When furlough ends, when people see the effects of Brexit, the effects of the poor policies and wanton waste - they will be walking the line of being prosecuted if they protest.

These Freedoms once taken will not be given back without a fight.
People are allowed into UK, but must quarantine in some secure accommodation for 10 days (at least, it might be in a hotel), and take 2 tests.
If the system is not in place to ensure that visitors do quarantine, and do take the tests, then the system isn't working.
But Alex is on the wrong track questioning the policy. He should be questioning the systems to ensure the policy is working.
I can enter UK without giving a reason, and be subject to the quarantine and test requirements, but if I couldn't prove my overseas residence I couldn't leave again.
There's an investigation starting in France relating to Ministers frequenting 'secret restaurants'.

Not heard of that one, but not really a surprise. Putting lives on hold is something us plebs have to do. Rich and powerful will hardly notice except it's probably a bit more difficult for them to get imported staff these days.
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