Single skin blockwork to cavity wall

1 Dec 2019
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United Kingdom
I would like to understand the construction detail of the wall shown in the plan below;


The cavity wall surrounds the new habitable zone of the house with the wall to the external side of the garage being single skin 100mm blockwork.

1) Would blocks laid on edge give better strength to the garage wall rather than just standard single skin 100mm.
2) SE has detailed a Catnic Standard Duty Cavity wall lintel so do you double skin above the garage door
3) All connections back to existing structure using wall ties?
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What is above the garage door? tiled lean-to roof? Flat roof? Additional storey?

Seems odd having a tiny bit of cavity wall at the front; has the SE done this just to justify a cavity-wall type Catnic?
Single story with tiled lean to roof.

Thats the architects plan which i think he has just put the cavity on the left in error. I had planned on making that a pier on the return to the single skin wall but was concerned that single 100mm was not really ideal.
If it's taking a door frame, you'd be better off doing it 215 thick, and min. 2 bricks (or 1 block) wide on the front, instead of faffing about trying to form a cavity wall.
A solid pier will give much greater stiffness to the wall.
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There will be a garage door. By 215 wall do you mean building the wall in yellow in block laid on their side or 2 skins if brick?

Solid pier either side.
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Yes being rendered. Is there any benefit in brick over block other than blocks are cheaper to purchase and lay?

Using a 215mm wall and pier either side of the door would 2nr 100mm x 65mm x 3000mm standard concrete lintel laid side by side be suitable to span the 2500 opening and fix door to

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