Sliding door lock

11 Jan 2013
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United Kingdom
What it says- refurbing the bathroom which is tiny so sliding door is the only option (apart from a bifold, which would have similar issues)

I need some means of securing the door that ideally can be released from outside (with a screwdriver or other tool in case of emergency), that doesn't project too far from the plane of the door and that is a sensible price.

I'm sure I've seen somewhere the sort of vacant/engaged thumbturn type lock with a bar that rotates down onto a pin (instead of the normal sliding bar action) but I can't find them for sale anywhere. Anyone ever seen such things could point me in the right direction? (I've tried Amazon and Google).

I don't really want to fit a claw lock- (a) it involves hacking massive holes in the door and more importantly (b) there isn't really enough depth in the frame for the receiver plate

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Thanks both. @ETAF suggested item is perfect- I'll acquire one and fit it at the next tenant change :) . @John Peters your stickon lock has the same problem as the fix I went with (internal drophook)- you can't release it from the other side of the door...

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