Soak away..???

30 Mar 2007
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United Kingdom
3677D42C-DDC4-4B49-878B-611373F862D4.jpeg Hi there

we’ve just moved into a house and over the past few days have noticed a grid on the drive having water pool round and over it when it rains. I’ve just had a look at it and it was full of soil. I’ve cleared the soil out and it appears to be a square clay drain that goes down approximately 1 foot. Then at the side is what looks like a circular cut out that is full of stones and soil. I’ve attached a pic but don’t know how much use it is 3677D42C-DDC4-4B49-878B-611373F862D4.jpeg.
what I’m wondering is, is it a soak away that I just need to live with that in the rain it doesn’t drain too well or is it a drain that over time has filled with stones and muck?
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Hmmmmmm good question John!! I’ve cleared it out to the bottom and didn’t come across a tap, but I guess it could be tucked round to the right amongst the soil and stones..
It shouldn’t be a water stop cock if it’s a grid. Probably a drain. Stuff a Karcher down there to try and clear it through.

If it’s inconclusive, you may need a drain man with a drain inspection camera.
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It sounds like a gully set at the low point of the drive to take away surface water.

It most likely goes to a soakaway, under your lawn or flower bed.

The pipes can fill up with silt over time
Yes, it's a soak away. Did some work on the local church (cleaning gutters and drains out). It had these drains all the way round the building that suffered the same problem of filling up with soil. It's a case of trying to clean as much out as you can.
Brilliant, thankyou!! I’ve managed to clean all the debris out of the square chamber. The hole in the side at the bottom of the chamber, should that be soil/stones or should that be clear?

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