Someone is trying to start a war in the Ukraine, It's NOT Russia (edit: yes it is)

Amidst all his lies and mis-truths (and at times it was relentless) there was a sort of deep down honesty and straight forwardness that was refreshing in a politician,

Part of his appeal was that he wasn't a politician.
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But weren’t you the guy claiming that it wasn’t Russia who were trying to start a war
There has been a war in Ukraine since 2014, didn't you know that.
The overthrow of the elected president of Ukraine by US/EU sponsored mobs didn't help matters.
A lot of Western companies have assets and investments in Russia so any potential sanctions against Putin and co could backfire.
The threat to cut Russia off from the SWIFT payment system could cause serious economic damage in Europe as well as Russia.
The Germans use this system to pay Russia for Gas, oil and other imports, if Russia is cut off from the system then the Germans will be unable to pay Russia for its gas and if that happens then Russia will have no alternative but to stop supplying Germany.
It could be a case of economic M. A. D.
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Vinty is desperately grasping for reasons to justify and excuse Putin invading his neighbours to recreate the Soviet Empire.
Vinty is desperately grasping for reasons to justify and excuse Putin invading his neighbours to recreate the Soviet Empire.
Did you know that Russophobia is a recognised psychological condition, akin to anti semitism and racism.
And there will still be less customs checks on that huge border than they are insisting on in Northern Ireland.
but the EU already has a border as big with its non EU nations along the polish / Romanian border, so there would be no change

anyway borders are defined by the roads crossing not the land mass -you cant carry much contraband non CE goods over a field

PS: you voted to have a border inside the United Kingdom, why are you moaning about it -I guess you didnt understand what you were voting for :ROFLMAO:
Amidst all his lies and mis-truths (and at times it was relentless) there was a sort of deep down honesty and straight forwardness that was refreshing in a politician, his lying was so blatent and obvious that you sort of knew what he was really about.

he rallied his supporters to storm the capitol building and ended up with people dying.
I suppose that is refreshingly different
PS: you voted to have a border inside the United Kingdom, why are you moaning about it -I guess you didnt understand what you were voting for :ROFLMAO:
Pot, Kettle and Black...

I guess you too didn't understand what you were voting for :LOL:
Yes, DT and I'm sure of it, if he was still in the Whitehouse, Putin would have never done what he is doing

Delusional Truss said "no evidence of Russian troops in dombas," another useless minister

The useless Truss also said there will be more sanctions - this is a spineless move and there are many more Russians
since 2018 that have had their assests restricted in the usa.

Bottom line, Boris has done nothing re sanction, nothing meaningful and as predicted others and press would pick up a few after
hours after Johnson rhetoric and empty words

Having that lame and impotent Biden in office has lef to this and aided and abetted by a weak UK, Germany and worst of all an even more gullible little man in France
There has been a war in Ukraine since 2014, didn't you know that.
The overthrow of the elected president of Ukraine by US/EU sponsored mobs didn't help matters.
and 14k people killed since then

Englands PM along with his worthless puppet the Truss and waiting for "putin to invaded before any more sanctions" - What a backwards mind of frame

Trsut me, Boris the clown will try to distract from his feeble sanctions, sanctions most of which have been in place in the usa against three of the named people - Boris will say England is sending more arms and ignore the feeble sanctions.


I've been interacting with my sources in Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Estonia.

Russia - Media hype re Ukraine and how the saviour pussy Putin has stepped in with peacemakers to save what is "rightfully Russian."
My source said no one is celebrating and most are just getting on with their lives and thinking more shortages and more trouble, trouble
most do not want. Russians are being fed via media that nATO is "massing troops on the borders.

Estonia - they are used to rumours of an invasion as they too have several states that want to break away and seeking NATO
buffer zones.

Israel - talk is that the EU is weak as well as the USA hence Putins moves. The failure of the west to punish Putin resulted in this.

Ukraine - in their main city most people are worried about day to day living but a bit more worried that putin may make his move right acoross the Ukriane but most feel a change at the top with a pro Russian leader

All agree that Putin is unhinged and not good for almost anyone other than his cronies and their followers.

Conclusion - CIA to take out Putin, blame anti-Russian rebels, WW3 averted

My take is - The W]wests failings has lead to this and worrying the wests weak sanctions will encourage Putin. Hopefully, Putins army turns on him and there is a chance some Generals may turn against him.
ACTION now is required, EG, real meaningful sanctions and NATO buffer zones built on along with dialogue and propaganda aimed via the net etc at the ordianry people of Russia

NB: Liz Truss seriously lacks charisma and is weak so we need someone else to do that job
With the greatest of respect, I feel your sources - whatever and whomever they may be - are misleading to you. For example I've seen @The Humanitarian go from saying "nothing will happen", to the latest prediction above suggesting the CIA "take out" Putin to avert WWIII. Is that the plot to a 1970s action film?

The situation in Eastern Europe is very fluid and it's impossible for anyone of us on here to know what the endgame is. The only prediction I made (on here and on the previous thread) is that any conflict would be limited to the Donbass regions, and while that still looks very possible there are signs it could be a wider conflict -- as I say, the situation is very fluid.
He will go for the whole of Ukraine.

Putin bad, Biden good.
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