
11 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Not the medication..... ;)

The boys are getting one.

But what would you say is the minimum spec?

Would you say 8 GB is sufficient or is 16 or more the one to go for?

RAM? 1 GB?

I'm looking first at Nexus 7 and Galaxy Tab 2, but there are a few £50 specials out there that seem to get good reviews.

I realise for £50 they're not going to be stunning, but are they worth the money, or is it better to put the £50 towards, say, a Nexus 7?
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nexus 7 is an absolute steal, i bought the 3g one for 240 quid. 32gb is plenty

i wouldn't touch the cheapy ones, they are pretty poor.
+1 for the nexus 7, so good its even better than the 10, next doors got one and i always grab it when i pop round for my weekly cup of sugar :LOL:
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Galaxy Note 10.1.

Can run two apps on screen at once - so can surf the web and watch a video at the same time.

Speakers on the front for proper stereo.

A pen for drawing and note taking.

IR transmitter for remote controlling your TV with the built in app.

Fricking awesome device.

Only downside is that it does have the aesthetics of a Crapple of Nexus.

If not then I'd vote for the Nexus range.
Thanks, Dan. Do you mind me asking what you paid for the Note 10.1?
Went for the Nexus 7. Relly bought it for gift as it was in their price range.

Offspring well chuffed. Got pinlock on it, though. ;)
Really depends on what they want to use it for doesn't it. Personally I've never seen anyone use an iPad or other tablet for anything other than watching films, listening to music, or playing games, which makes it / them seem like very expensive toys to me.

If predominently for games though, RAM, processor and graphics capabilities, are more important, than say if for music. Obviously the more storage the better.
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