Taking back control...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Smogg has just announced that MP's will have an extra months holiday (and possibly more) this year.
(and hinted it may be the new 'norm')

No pay deductions of course!

Thus parliament will have far less time to scrutinise legislation and hold the government to account...

The only check in the process will be the unelected second chamber...

And just to think, deluded quitters believed they were 'taking back control' :rolleyes:
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Smogg has just announced that MP's will have an extra months holiday (and possibly more) this year.
(and hinted it may be the new 'norm')

No pay deductions of course!

Thus parliament will have far less time to scrutinise legislation and hold the government to account...

The only check in the process will be the unelected second chamber...

And just to think, deluded quitters believed they were 'taking back control' :rolleyes:
And deluded remainder believed they ever had any control .
And deluded remainder believed they ever had any control .

Electing a dishonest lying PM and government is a backward step to regain control.

The fact we may have had much control before doesnt justify voting for even less.
Brexit is certainly less control.
The Conservative leaders, not necessarily the party is the best thing the SNP has as a boost to Scottish Brexit from England

Should be called Scotbrex
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The Conservative leaders, not necessarily the party is the best thing the SNP has as a boost to Scottish Brexit from England

Should be called Scotbrex
Is there lots of support for Scottish independance since the Tory brexers got in power?

I personally am sad about the thought of Ireland and Scotland breaking away..

I can see the mess of Johnsons brexit WAB will create all sorts of costly customs and regulatory barriers in Ireland and It seems it wont be long before NI will see a benefit to uniting and joining the EU.
After brexit NI will maintain regulatory alignment to the single market so that might create a bit of a boom in UK manufacturers moving over to Ireland.

Single market access will wind up Scotland, and increase them wanting the same. Small matter of a hard border of course. Best give Hadrian a call
I can see the mess of Johnsons brexit WAB will create all sorts of costly customs and regulatory barriers in Ireland and It seems it wont be long before NI will see a benefit to uniting and joining the EU.

Or the EU win their fight with the republic to raise their corporation tax and the republic see the benefit of leaving the eu. Most likely scenario in my opinion.