Tax Man



Wow, thanks "big man" letter just hit the floor.
Your cordially invited to pay us the grand sum of £25,765.94.
Well big boy you can go F@@K Off.

This has been ongoing for a while now and they have no actual hard copies of any accounts as they do not hold anything further than 04/05 now.
Shame this goes back to 1998 :D
And I have proof it was all paid.

Yet the idiots still persist.

I wonder if a counter claim for time wasted will be won?
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Just tell them that you work for Goldman Sachs and they'll leave you alone
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If they suspect fraud they can go back as far as they like.

So true, They can go back to when you first started work if they want.
About 15 yrs ago my dad was investigated by the taxman and they found he'd under declared his earnings by about £500 for the previous tax year. Result?? £200 tax not paid + interest (on a daily basis) + a sort of fine they imposed on the unpaid tax. Total cost to my dad.... £3200. and a hearty thanks from HMRC when he paid it.
Tell them that under common law you do not have a contract with them.... ;)
I had a run in with the tax man a few years ago they can make your life hell, the longer it takes to sort out the more it costs, you have no choice pay up or jump off a cliff
Always have a good accountant. The tax man has more power than 10,000 'hiroshima's' and if he wants to flex his muscles, your finished unless your water tight. I earn, declare it and then I can sleep soundly. Never ever try to hide anything from him - be-it cheque, bacs, cash, or hungarian luncheon vouchers.
Always have a good accountant. The tax man has more power than 10,000 'hiroshima's' and if he wants to flex his muscles, your finished unless your water tight. I earn, declare it and then I can sleep soundly. Never ever try to hide anything from him - be-it cheque, bacs, cash, or hungarian luncheon vouchers.

It depends how big you are, small time self employed sole traders can get away with murder. The tax man knows that there are fiddles going on, but for small traders it's not worth their while tieing someone up for a week, going back through all the books. So unless somebody is really taking the mickey they don't want to bother.
I have that on good authority, years ago I was inspected and that's basically what the inspector told me.
He ended up wanting 500 quid off me, and ended up not getting it, with his full agreement. :mrgreen:
HMRC's investigation budget for 2012 has quadrupled (so my accountant tells me) with an all out war against takeaways.

Apparently Mr Takeaways purchases of empty tubs always seem to be a couple of thousand more than actual tubs sold.

Tax investigation insurance is worth it.
When they investigated my dad (obviously without his knowledge) He was invited into the tax office for an informal chat, in the first instance. They knew he had a burglar alarm fitted to his house and even told him what colour carpets he had in his living room and bedrooms. Knew which garages he usually filled up his car at, knew which relatives and friends he visited regularly. So he must have been followed for some considerable time and they must have had his house under some sort of covert surveillance, to find out the information they had.
Seriously,,, don't underestimate the taxman if he decides to investigate you. ;) ;) ;)
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