Texecom - ATS Path Fault

12 Feb 2021
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United Kingdom
I have a Texecom Premier Elite 48 alarm, which has been installed (by myself) for around 3 years now and worked flawlessly in that time. Last week, it started reporting "ATS Path Fault Alarm from Panel Input", and has a latched "ATS Path Fault" alarm in System Status in Wintex. The panel reports "ATS Path fault - COM1 fault". There have been no changes made to the alarm configuration recently, either in hardware or configuration.

The system has a SmartCom device (used for Wintex only) on COM1/COM2 and a separate ComIP on COM3, dedicated to Home Assistant.

My guess is that it's trying to talk to Texecom Cloud via the SmartCom and this is failing (probably not permitted on my network), but I've no idea why it's only just started to report this now. As I have no need to us Texecom Cloud for this alarm, what's the best way to stop it trying to talk to it? Is it enough to just remove the "SmartCom" option from COM1 and leave the two remaining ComIP modules on COM2 and COM3? FYI, all ARCs are set to "disabled".
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ATS is usually sent via the comip and not the smart com, does it have in the ARC setup com1 or com2 ?

In theory if you program something off you will need reset it first or power cycle afterwards so it no longer shows up the fault after its turned off.
ATS is usually sent via the comip and not the smart com, does it have in the ARC setup com1 or com2 ?
ARC is disabled for all five ARC slots (or, at least, that's what Wintex is telling me after doing a full receive from the panel!)

In theory if you program something off you will need reset it first or power cycle afterwards so it no longer shows up the fault after its turned off.
I suspect that the panel was never reset after ARC1 was changed from "Texecom Connect" to "disabled", a long long time ago. Is there an easy way to reboot the panel remotely without having to pull out batteries and the suchlike?
if its been off a long time, then may want to contact Texecom to shed some light on the matter, but you need to get someone like John Gildert so the forum might be the best bet.

I had somethig similar where there was a conflict between Control 4 (uses comip module) and smart com as the conflicted due to ports / ip addresses being the same so behaved itself since, but they were both in use and the control 4 technician had changed the setting so between us we sorted out what the panel saw and what control 4 saw and issue ressolved.
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If the smart com was working then it could be done I guess, via the TCS, but as its not, no. Unless you can interupt the the power supply mains and battery.

after remote upgrade the panel is rebooted, not sure if tere is an option to reboot anywhere else, (HA control).
Looks like it might be a known issue when you get an internet glitch, the smartcom latches into fault:

They said a new firmware would come to fix it, but there was no follow-up so it's hard to know which version was affected, but I know I applied the latest version when I installed the system in 2021, so this 2018 issue should have been long sorted...
Well, I spent a pile of time diagnosing this to try to work out what was causing this and, in the end, I just rebooted the SmartCom (i.e. panel open, disconnect the two com ports and reconnect them again). This has cleared the fault. I guess that the version I'm running (v3.03.00) has a few bugs, and I'll need to check whether the latest version is going to be compatible with my panel firmware before updating...

Anyway, will keep an eye on things.
So clear it down, you shouldn’t get a fault for something switched off but guessing the smart com still talks to the panel as it’s connected.

Can’t comment on being sorted or when, certainly have very few problems out there now but we update smart coms and panels more regular than once every few years on average so maybe an update will help.

I certainly look at smart com update followed by panel you shoul be on v5 so can do it all via tcs
Be aware that if monitor mode wasn’t available before if it gets enabled it turns off the comports.

Still allows access via smart com, but if not using Texecom monitor put it to the old way.
My panel is "Elite 48 V5.04.01 LS1", SmartCom is v3.03.00. I've previously updated using Texecom Cloud, but I'm not desperate to do so now as it might break more than it fixes (thinking specifically Home Assistant integration via ComIP!)

Be aware that if monitor mode wasn’t available before if it gets enabled it turns off the comports.

Still allows access via smart com, but if not using Texecom monitor put it to the old way.
Is that permanently turned off - i.e. cannot re-enable? This certainly sounds like something in that category of "might break stuff"....
it should be fine smart com first and panel second.

if an error occurs generating app code check texecom monitor is disabled and then you can program up the comports if you wish.
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