The 'Australian style deal'..

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Well not according to an Australian bank...

"Commonwealth Bank of Australia has said it will move its European headquarters from London to Amsterdam in the coming months after Britain’s departure from the EU."

"The departure comes despite declarations by the UK’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, that the British economy would “thrive” with an “Australian-style” trade deal with the EU, which many describe as a euphemism for a no-deal crash out of the bloc."

"Expected to be operational in the first half of 2021, the new Dutch office will help CBA to continue supporting European clients “regardless of the outcome of Brexit”, the bank said in a statement."

“Our new European head office will also enable us to share valuable international insights with our Australian clients.”

And many will follow...

Brexit - the gift that keeps on giving!
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First I have heard of that bank. Their presence here is the same as a Nigerian bank having an office here. Both unimportant.
I do believe Im still a customer of the Commonwealth bank...... Ill have words
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