The end to having central heating boilers?

Just remember guys ... Something is only impossible until it isn't ;)

Some clever bod will inevitably come up with the radical new source of power the planet so badly needs and, human nature being what it is, it will take decades longer to catch on as everyone will rubbish it out of either ignorance or greed (or both).

Bring on dilithium crystal warp drives I say :LOL:

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megawatt said:
Bring on dilithium crystal warp drives I say

As every trekky knows, Romulan engines run on an artificial quantum singularity. The idea is that you make a mini black hole and drop stuff in. You can use your rubbish to generate vast amounts of power. Unfortunately, as every trekky also knows, they can never be shut down. Would you want one in your town?

megawatt also said:
Just remember guys ... Something is only impossible until it isn't

This is true. Einstein said that trying to turn mass into energy would be like shooting birds at night in a place where there weren't many birds. He was wrong.

It is perhaps worth looking back to a time when electricity and magnetism were thought to be separate phenomena. Electricity came either from electrostatic generators or from batteries. Magnetism came from magnetite. If Faraday had never waved his magnet at a piece of wire the electricity generating industry would not exist, at least not in its present form.

I expect that some time in the future we will work out how to manipulate nuclear forces directly. All we are doing at the moment is catching the energy that comes from naturally occurring nuclear reactions that we barely understand, This is the modern equivalent of flying kites in thunderstorms!
The Improbability drive is the answer (42).
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