Theresa May's Brexit talks with the Labour Party are a "grave mistake"

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31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom

So i know im repeating the obvious but some of you here living in denial devout liberal or labour or whatever you are insist on ignoring these facts ive repeated on here many times which are ignored.

Corbyn is a waste of space (Newsflash) and all he wants is a GE. He doesn't give a sh.. about this country.

I repeat the reason Brexit hasn't happened is because of Labour not wanting it to happen because anything the Tories achieve is bad for labour. And i have to agree with Frogface on that point the current political setup in the HOC is rotten to the core.
This is why we are not any further on Brexit it has nothing to do with 'we can't make our minds up'

Evidence of course how labour have been voting etc is readily available.

Some quotes from GW

"Jeremy Corbyn's only real interest was a general election."

Even if Labour do a deal, break bread with the prime minister and announce that both parties have reached an agreement, it can only ever end in tears," he said.

"The Labour Party does not exist to help the Conservative Party."

"Jeremy Corbyn will do all he can to divide, disrupt and frustrate the Conservatives in the hope of bringing down the government."

"His goal, and he has made no secret of it, is to bring about a general election."

Mr Williamson said the prime minister seemed oblivious to the fact many Tories believe she is "negotiating with the enemy".

He continued: "Even if we get to a point where Jeremy Corbyn agrees a deal with the prime minister, when it comes to detailed scrutiny of the votes, Labour will revert to form.

"Even if it passes the first few votes, it will fail later."
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This is why we are not any further on Brexit it has nothing to do with 'we can't make our minds up'

We arent further with Brexit is because there is no majority for any option.

And because TM is stubborn and wont opt for anything other than something close to her deal

Labours strategy is constructive ambiguity. The reason is because Labour has about 4 million leavers and 7million remainers -if Corbyn set out his stall as either remain or leave he will alienate a large section of his electorate.

I notice you still dont state what Brexit you want, nor how you can explain the proven benefits.

Leave voters dont want to discuss what they consider are the benefits of Brexit.

They only want to discuss how its undemocratic if we dont leave.
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Are you being serious here? Really do you believe it's because Festive et all etc can't make their minds up what they want, being the reason we are still in this state?

What point do you think you are making posing the question 'see you can't even answer yourself what you want' - Ive been here already with you people, to Leave the EU. For better or for worse, that includes being worse off until we recover.

Who are these Leave voters who dont want to discuss the benefits, how do you quantify beneficial? I voted leave like i voted for the waste of space tories last time, id rather be tory lead over Corbyn, is that valid? Rather like id rather be out of the EU than in, which is what the vote was about! Leave the detail to the experts.
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You do realise that before the referendum all but ten Labour MPs were for remain?

Corbyn might not agree with them but May certainly does.

Spot the flaw.

Agree discussed this previously about why the fact Brexit isn't happening, it has absolutely nothing to do with 'can't make our mind up' we aren't even that far, because too manuy plots exist to thwart any progress. Including a high percentage of MP's wanting to remain anyway. Despite this the voting strategies since then speak for themselves about how Labour have been reacting to 'the Tory Brexit strategy'
it's because Festive et all etc can't make their minds up what they want...

It's no good festive and the others making their minds up individually. They have to agree together which course they wish the nation to take, and then, together, seek the country's consent to it.

So far, they have been unable to do so.

That's why they keep rejecting every option.

For example, before the referendum, Farage said he wanted a Free TRrade Deal withthe EU and access to the Single Market. If the Brexers had agreed on that they could have had it by now.

But Farage now wants something different, and so does rice-pudd.

It's the Brexers that have to make up their minds (and not keep changing them).
JOhnD here we go. See :D you are ignoring the point of my post completely. Im not avoiding your question. I have already answered above. Luh Eh Ah Vuh Eh.. with or without 'an apparent deal' .

Now the point is Labour, and the fact remain was already a strong preference is the delay, which is blocking any negotiation here, not the actuall process. Im not trying to defend May here she should never of been elected to negotiate our way out.
It's no good festive and the others making their minds up individually. They have to agree together which course they wish the nation to take, and then, together, seek the country's consent to it.

So far, they have been unable to do so.

That's why they keep rejecting every option.

They you mean 98% of Labour plus Limp wristed Libs and about 20% of Tories??? You mean them????
Rice Pudd keeps voting against. Buffoon says he'll support and then says he doesn't. That idiot Davies voted against his own work.

Don't blame me if the Brexers can't agree on a course of action.
Its because there is no majority for any option and the impasse is democracy in action.

Its because the result was close

Its because having referendum on something so complex, something that so few people understand is a bad idea.

The impasse is strategic as i have already highlighted, if not why have such a high percentage of Labour been opposing? Hence me quoting another source referring to the same reasons Brexit is failing here. He has no allegeance to May.

Result close? Which result? The brexit referendum? What is close? Every decision made in the HOC's is much closer than millions. Tories are in at the moment because they won the majority even if it was one vote more.

The vote was simple, the detail hasn't been discussed yet, because its being blocked re my above original quote. Remember Corbyn said even if we agree a way forward May's successor could change all of it after we have progressed to negotiating our exit strategy in detail. What's that then? He's stalling it already to push for a GE.
You are all utterly in denial it seems :LOL: who is it who can't answer or wont respond to my questions now. Go on lalalal brexiters can't make their minds up lalalala
Right... take your lalala headphones off.. look at this chart. How many Labour voters in favour of the TORY yes TORY their arch evil rivals, Brexit plan, go on look at it..this is MV2. Observe Labour observe how many opposed, observe my post above and what Corbyn wants. Now stop saying it's because we dont know what we want we haven't even got that far.

This is all about selfish gains. May should of resigned but to leave now without even managing to deliver what she set out to do would leave her a total failure. This is all about reputations for years to come, you really think Labour want to live with 'how the Tories led us to brexit'.
Nothing will come of these talks between Labour and the conservatives

Tis all a complete and utter waste of time

All that will happen is when they eventually come to a halt each side can blame the other;) for the breakdown usual twaddle

Buffoon Corbyn will continue to support buffoon Johnson :LOL:
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