Tory Sleaze

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Top Tory paid by betting industry urged ministers to reject gambling crackdown"

"A top Tory paid £200-an-hour by the betting industry warned ministers in Parliament not to back tough new laws on gambling.

According to parliament's register of interests, Laurence Robertson is paid £24,000 a year by the Betting and Gaming Council, an industry body that lobbies on behalf of bookmakers.

In the past year, Mr Robertson has also been given free tickets by betting companies to horse-racing at Ascot, Test matches at Lord’s and England games at Wembley. He has also earned £2,000 a month for ten hours’ work as the BGC’s “parliamentary adviser on sport and safer gambling”.

While being employed by the BGC, he has spoken at least three times in parliament in defence of the gambling industry."

Well blow me down!

Who could have seen that coming?
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Sleaze is a poor description -it implies sexual impropriety, but this is money for influence -its corruption.
"Wed 10 Nov 2021 10.19 GMT

The Conservative MP Andrew Bowie has announced he will resign as a vice-chair of the party in the wake of the sleaze scandal engulfing Boris Johnson.

Bowie said he requested to step down but agreed to stay in post until a successor has been appointed. He believed he could not continue to defend the government after the prime minister’s botched bid to save a colleague from suspension and overhaul the standards system.

The fallout is continuing and another Tory MP, Geoffrey Cox, is also in the spotlight and has been referred to the commissioner by Labour for appearing to conduct legal work from his Commons office."
I personally cannot ever forgive the members of the Labour Gov'n'm'nt who passed the law regarding fixed odds betting terminals.

Dear Comrade JohnD'ski, have you ever considered that your own politburo is just as corrupt as those who you wish us to believe are corrupt?
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The hypocrisy from Labour is stunning.
Fiona Onasanya - convicted
Claudia Webb - convicted
Jared O'Mara - charged 7 counts of fraud
Keith Vaz - Bought cocaine for his male prostitutes
Stephen Doughty - solicited drugs from a constituent.
Labour in Rotherham.
Who else thinks Labour Sleaze is at a different level?
Labour hypocrisy. Copied from elsewhere.
Labours Sleaze Record

May 1997 – Tony Blair becomes PM on the back of promise to clean up British politics.
Nov 1997 – Labour party forced to hand back a £1m donation from Formula One mogul Bernie Ecclestone after cash linked to decision to temporarily exempt Formula One from a tobacco advertising ban.
Dec 1998 – Peter Mandelson resigns after failing to declare home loan from Geoffrey Robinson.
Jan 2001 – Mandelson forced to resign, again, after misleading Downing Street about role in Hinduja passport row.
Feb 2002 – Labour accused of helping Indian tycoon Lakshmi Mittal buy Romania’s state steel industry in return for a £125,000 party donation
April 2002 -Tony Blair accused of using his trip to the Czech Republic to promote the sale of jet fighters made by Labour donor BAE Systems
Aug 2002 – Labour accused of handing a £32m contract to supply smallpox vaccine to PowderJect, a company headed by a Labour donor Paul Drayson, who donated £100,000 to the party.
Dec 2002 – Cheriegate property scandal envelops Downing Street. Press office forced to admit Mrs Blair had links to fraudster Peter Foster, then boyfriend of her lifestyle guru, Carole Caplin. Campbell’s advice to Blairs to distance themselves from her ignored.
May 2003 – BBC’s sexed-up dossier story breaks. Mr Campbell’s diary recorded his private fears about the report: “It was grim, it was grim for me, grim for TB and there is this huge stuff about trust.”
July 2003 – Dr David Kelly’s body found just days after he was named by the government as the BBC’s mole.
May 2004 – Labour accused of cronyism as Labour names dominate the 46 new working peers appointed to the House of Lords.
Oct 2005 – Leaked list indicates Tony Blair personally recommended rewarding a clutch of millionaire Labour Party donors with peerages in the “Cash-for-Honours” scandal, the biggest in the party’s history.
July 2006 – Lord Levy, Labour’s fundraising boss, arrested in “Cash-for-Honours” scandal after accusation peerages were being offered in return for financial support to parties. Both Levy and Blair are later exonerated.
June 2007 – Gordon Brown becomes PM promising an end to corruption following the cash for honours scandal.
25 Jan 2009 – Four Labour peers are accused of entering into negotiations, involving fees of up to £120,000, with Sunday Times reporters posing as lobbyists for a foreign firm. All of them strenuously deny the allegations.
You both agree, then, that sleaze and corruption should no longer be tolerated?
You both agree, then, that sleaze and corruption should no longer be tolerated?
totally and its time everyone accepts its both sides and stop trying to make one side look worse than the other
it's no surprise that it's the cases currently coming to light that attract the most public interest.

We hardly ever mention now that Prime Minister Johnson lied to the nation, to Parliament and to the Queen, and lied in international treaties that he signed but intends to break. I wonder if the people of NI complain that he lied to them.

I'm sure even Gauleiter Brigadon will admit that his glorious leader is not to be trusted.
it's no surprise that it's the cases currently coming to light that attract the most public interest.

We hardly ever mention now that Prime Minister Johnson lied to the nation, to Parliament and to the Queen, and lied in international treaties that he signed but intends to break. I wonder if the people of NI complain that he lied to them.

I'm sure even Gauleiter Brigadon will admit that his glorious leader is not to be trusted.
i see its still a points scoring exercise
you must be pleased you listed so many points.
i could have filled the next ten pages with the names of the dead service personnel that the labour lies caused not to mention the millions of civilians
Although the cliched saying 'they're all as bad as each other' is undoubtedly true when using a broad brush across all politicians and parties, you do have to wonder if this (sleaze) might just be the thing Labour can get its teeth into and if so, are we already seeing the start of the end of the Tories being in power.
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