toyota wheel bearing

28 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
Toyota, 3.5 years old, 50,000 miles has noticeble noise from wheel bearing. Car has not had heavy use and has been main dealer serviced.
Would this come under –unfit for purpose- repair without cost, or is this generally considered normal wear and tear?
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Have you got a warranty, he says laughing like a madman. In this climate you could probably get a new Toyota, for the price of a wheel bearing :D
A wheel bearing is most definitely a 'wear and tear' item. And after 50k I would be stunned if you got anywhere with any manufacturer tbh.
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Toyota, 3.5 years old, 50,000 miles has noticeble noise from wheel bearing. Car has not had heavy use and has been main dealer serviced.
Would this come under –unfit for purpose- repair without cost, or is this generally considered normal wear and tear?

Well that's 16,300miles per annum - hardly light use. The wheel bearings will go mammaries-skywards if you habitually crash the kerbs when you park. I would imagine Toyata wbs to be at least as well engineered as any other manufacturer. You do not state the specific model but why not make your enquiry here?