UK population out of control.

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Yes. Also make it less financially rewarding for young women (under eighteen) to have children when they have no means of support otherwise (other than living off state handouts and free housing that they know they are guaranteed).

I do wonder though, these statistics are projections, what other factors may we take in to consideration for a natural reduction (death rate re-aligning with birth rate for example).
Can't do that Joe, apparently we're needed in Europe (as a dumping ground for all and sundry) No doubt JohnD will be along shortly to accuse us of xenophobia, and extol the virtues of having a multicultural society. ;) ;) ;) ;)
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So what's the answer? Shutting the borders would be a start.

Pointless worrying. The "oil bubble" has burst and we're all gonna die.
Rumour has it.
You've been listening to a very wise man. ;)
Incentivise people not to have children.

BAN migrants from having any.
IQ test people, check their emotional status, check their work ethic. If anything is found wanting, sterilise them.

IQ test people, check their emotional status, check their work ethic. If anything is found wanting, sterilise them.


Agree. Check for excessive posting on forums. More than a few a week,
neuter them and keep them away from youngsters ;)
Trident won't help you against this invasion. The UK is a foreign country.
nothng can be done !

Mother nature will control the future of our race.

There is enough room on the planet for another few billion... but not the resource to support us. Unless our demand for resources diminishes, maybe due to technical advances.. (e.g. lesser reliance on fossil fuels). The other factor is poor management i.e. of humanitarian needs..... so food, water and medicine not getting where it's needed.

On the question of the human race getting too large, how do we balance that against current and future medical advances? for example, immunisation against malaria? infant mortality rates impoved, a cure for cancer..? if we cure cancer, we add to our problem don't we?
I've said for years that if a couple has more than 2 children, all benefits (chlid benefit, tax credits etc...) should be cancelled immediately (Obviously there would be allowances for people who have triplets etc... or who have one child already and then have twins.. as that isn't their choice). People who choose to have more than two children are fully aware who expensive they are to bring up so if they choose to have more children then they should be aware that they're going to have to bear the cost of them all by theirselves. I know plenty of people who have three or more children happy that they can claim no end of benefits for them.... If these were cancelled i'm sure they'd be less inclined to keep having children.

Didn't they have a one-baby policy in China (maybe still do have) where there is some punishment/fine for having more than one in an attempt to control the population?
Didn't they have a one-baby policy in China (maybe still do have) where there is some punishment/fine for having more than one in an attempt to control the population?

Yes they do have a one child policy in China. It works great; it leads to many, many abandoned children (usually girls), forced abortions (under some governments) and in some cases children being killed either just before or after birth.

Controlling how many children people can or cannot have doesn't work.

Of course, restricting benefits to those who choose to have over a certain number of children makes sense.

But what happens when those parents say their children are starving or they can't afford to heat their homes. Do we just let them starve or freeze?
Take them into care and let the parents starve and freeze.
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