Ukraine counter offensive

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TBH I don't think that comment relates to what he has been pointing out. ;) Not that I totally agree with the way he is doing that.

So you continue to use a pointless argument and avoid other factors. Everyone knows that Russia invaded so why state the obvious?
See the above pos t
Not @old duffer, he says the MSM are lying. He won't tell us where he gets the "correct" info though.
From what I have read of his posts he isn't claiming any correct info source.

LOL Of late I have noticed some difference in AlJ reporting compared with both BBC and C4. There always has been at times but in this case our sources could well be withholding info. That info could be of little importance but fact is they wouldn't know for sure.
Yeah but you have to take a close look at why they invaded.
The americans helped install a puppet government back in 2014 and simultaneously along with the ultra nationalist kiev regime removed ukraine's ability to act as a buffer state between east and west.
Then the persecution of the ethnic russians living in the donbas began.
If the same scenario played out in the western hemisphere the results would be exactly the same.
and your facts to support this ?

Had Russia been raising this at UN?

Russia overstepped by invading, and lost ANY moral ground it MAY have had
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Yes. Since 2008. Putin has made many speeches on the subject.
Did the beligerant west listen? nope.
and his reason for invading was de nazification. nothing at all to do with the West listening or not !

and he says he isn't invading, it's just a special military operation
fighting against Russia, he is doing very well
What is the point of fighting Russia.
Russia is a white European nation.
There should be no conflict between white Europeans.
All that has been achieved is the prospect of Europe destroying itself and creating a vacuum which will be filled by other races.
One of the road causeways is open again with a 3.5T weight limit and is managing 20 vehicles per hour.

The rail link has had a test train go over, but it was only 15 cars so not a full weight test. I'm guessing they'll return it to at least limited service.
They did a better job blowing up the gas pipelines.

Someone is for a good spanking for not doing the job properly.
What is the point of fighting Russia.
Russia is a white European nation.
There should be no conflict between white Europeans.
All that has been achieved is the prospect of Europe destroying itself and creating a vacuum which will be filled by other races.
Didn't somebody say something like that shortly before the 2nd world war !
What is the point of fighting Russia.
Russia is a white European nation.

Your lot were defeated at Cable Street and in Berlin.

If necessary you will be defeated again.
Your lot were defeated at Cable Street and in Berlin.

If necessary you will be defeated again.
You never learn do you.
I am not a Nazi.
On the contrary, it was only the threat from communist Russia that forced the Capitalist elite in the west to make concessions to the working classes.
With the fall of the Soviet Union, social advances of the working classes are now in reverse.
12 minutes and straight in Quentin. liking posts already, impressive.
One of the road causeways is open again with a 3.5T weight limit and is managing 20 vehicles per hour.

The rail link has had a test train go over, but it was only 15 cars so not a full weight test. I'm guessing they'll return it to at least limited service.
AlJ has some one there. Today. There are vehicle checks at each end. One carriage way and let through in groups. A UK reporter yesterday reckons the Russian Presidential Guard have been responsible for looking after the bridge. Lots of technology but no vehicle checks by the look of it.

Russia reckons the rail bridge will be in normal use soon.;) They would but there are reasons why that could be correct. It would depend on how it's supported.
A question that @old duffer cannot bear to face.
Invade: To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage.
USA coup to steal UK-rain wealth (IMF, Gas etc.)
2 regions (3 including crimea) wanted autonomous management away from nazis.
Nazis set about murdering 13-15,000 depending upon which official UN report you read.
Murders and killings of own people were seen by the world as repugnant and so a cesation of murder was demanded by the UN countries
Minsk agreement 1 & 2
After 8 years of murder, Russia went to their aid
So, if Russia invaded then the following were invasions under the same criteria.
Libya is classed as military intervention not invasion
Syria invasion by USA was classed as intervention
Kuwait was invaded by the USA after the invasion from Iraq. USA said they intervened to support the people of Kuwait
USA/NATO did actually invade Afghanistan after declaring war.

So for those with an IQ in triple digits, the differences are clear, the hypocracy is undeniable
For those with an IQ in double digits, well, its whatever they are told to think/believe
ps IRA must now be recognised as a force for good and the British Army an invading force.
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