Unable to edit content on CD RW

7 Jun 2006
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United Kingdom
I would be grateful if someone could advise as to why I cannot edit a CD RW which I have saved a word document to, but I can do it on a floppy.

I am using Nero 7 and when I want to save changes and copy it says cannot as it is read only.


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i was always under the impression that this is always the case.

cd's and cdr's are for storage.

you will have to open it, edit it, save as, then reburn to cdr

or put it this way

you write a word document , burn it to cdr, send it to me i open it read and inwardly digest but if i want to save it i have to save as because i dont have a cd burner (i do, but for this explanation i dont)

when you burn a cd you are burning it, not editing it, you have to use something like nero, not word which is what you are trying to do
Er, not quite breezer.

UDF 1.5 and Mount Rainier compatible drives will do what Steve is looking for.
A file on a CD/DVD (even RW) will always be read only; you can’t edit & save in the same way as a file on a HDD or floppy disk. Only way to do it is to save to a HDD/floppy & burn again; you can burn a new copy of the file to the same CD/DVD (providing it has enough space) if the original was created as “open session”.
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i bow to your superior knowledge on that one, but in my defence i did say "i was always under the impression that this is always the case."

I take it that "UDF 1.5 and Mount Rainier " are a type of cd drive? (ok a drive that can burn) but if he does not have one is what i said there for true?

(no sarcasm, i dont know, hence why i am asking)
I have a package that enables me to edit/resave on RWs, but if I give the disks to anyone else, they can't read them.

I think it's Easy CD
Thanks for the advice everyone, you have simplified the matter for me, I dont need to burn lots of stuff so getting a new drive is not a priority but I am now a bit more clued up on the subject.


I have a package that enables me to edit/resave on RWs, but if I give the disks to anyone else, they can't read them.

I think it's Easy CD

Back in 2000 My Dell came with Easy CD software.
RW cds could not be 'read' on another machine which did not have a cd r/w'er... We found several mc's with a cd read/writer which were ok... Did they have Easy CD or Roxio stuff? cannot recall.
Looking, at the time, through my 'Easy' package's help I discovered the UDF Volume reader, a smallish file.
Installing on the 'non-compliant' machines enabled cd R/W reading.

Actually a bit hazy now but twas along those lines.


This may not be XP compliant - ??

Useful FAQ http://www.cdrfaq.org/

For the OP.

A cheap and cheerful 'packet writer' - there is a free trial - then $9.99

From the FAQ...
The original purpose of "Packet-Writing", as initially designed by Sony with the assistance of NTI, was to reduce "buffer under runs"; a phenomenon that was plaguing the burgeoning CD-Recordable market. Two other useful applications for 'Packet Writing' are to allow your computer to save files individually to your CDRW drive as if it was a hard drive, and to reliably multitask (running more than one application while burning a CD). Later, as CD-Recordable technologies advanced, 'Packet Writing' found its application as a 'floppy replacement' (i.e. to use CDRW discs as if they were floppy diskettes), which is considered a 'killer app' for CDRW.

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