Untreated wooden door & exposure to elements

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
Can an external hardwood wooden door, untreated, take a degree of punishment (rain, sun, hot, cold) before it's treated without the integrity of the door or its appearance being compromised?

For example, scenario: door fitted Monday, pouring rain most of Tuesday and Wednesday, door eventually gets treated on Friday. Will the 2 days rain exposure have caused damage?
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Is the door damaged?
No, it'll be a brand new door. I'll be trying to arrange someone to treat it next day but depending on their schedule and the weather, it's not impossible there might be a gap of a few days between installation and treating.
Well, wooden doors do alter with moisture and temperature, but to what extent, unknown. They can bind in the winter and be fine in the summer. Best to treat then before being hung, then after they've been hung, you've only have the hinge areas, lock and possible planed edge to brush.
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A friend once had a similar problem so he draped a sheet of polythene over it, pulled it around the sides and bottom then sellotaped it flat to the back of the door. He cut slits around the hinges and rim/mortice lock so he could close/lock it. He kept it on for a week due to the weather before he was able to seal the door. Never had any untoward problems with it.
Is it solid wood or veneer?

There is a risk of some movement once it has been soaked, and you should try and ensure there is no rapid drying from a warm day with direct sun afterwards so that it can dry out slowly.

Always treat an external door door before it is hung, and touch it up straight after hanging!

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