Value for money?

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Hidden in the highest ever february public borrowing figures...

"The government also said it would receive £1.1bn from selling part of its stake in Natwest Group, by selling them back to the bank.

The sale, which will complete on March 23, will cut the size of the government's stake from almost 62% to 59.8%.

The 591 million shares were bought at 190.5p. It paid 440p a share when it stepped in to support the bank, then called RBS, in 2008 during the financial crisis. "

Nearly a 57% loss for the taxpayer...

Little by little the private bankers are making a killing yet again...

Nothing changes!
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Results in a loss of between £1.5 to 1.8bn.

Yet the bots on here keep repeating the tired old lie that the Tories are there for the working man.

Results in a loss of between £1.5 to 1.8bn.

Yet the bots on here keep repeating the tired old lie that the Tories are there for the working man.


I see you find a loss of your governments money (which is effectively everyones money) funny. Why?
I see you find a loss of your governments money (which is effectively everyones money) funny. Why?

Yet why are you so quiet when the billions are spaffed up the wall?

So we are collectively going to pay for this - best tell your kids that they will be paying for your mistakes. :ROFLMAO:
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So we are collectively going to pay for this - best tell your kids that they will be paying for your mistakes.
Don’t we always with every government? So what? Mistakes may have been made, isn’t hindsight wonderful? I’m not denying that however, unlike you, I don’t revel in them.
Don’t we always with every government? So what? Mistakes may have been made, isn’t hindsight wonderful? I’m not denying that however, unlike you, I don’t revel in them.

Hypocrisy overload. Pointing it out might let you see the light of day one day - lets hope.

First you defended austerity because it was needed as the last Government was profligate then it was ok to spend and spaff billions as we could create money - then why the need for Austerity.

You know deep down you are lying to yourself, contorting yourself to justify your support for the current Government it just leaves you conceited and conflicted.
Oh, I don’t know, possibly to stop 125,000 deaths growing to 250,000. Just a guess.

There you go just proven the point. Trying to justify anything to make yourself feel better. You are clutching at straws.

Austerity caused tens of thousand excess deaths but all of you either dismissed it or thought it was a price worth paying.

So tell me why didnt we lock down earlier then?
Weren’t wearing our special specs that allowed us to see into the future?

Stop lying to yourself now. Scientists said we needed to lockdown earlier and there was a huge debate on here as well and even the bloody opposition leader said so.

How many U-turns did Bojo do, when if he has listened first time around

How sad must you be to lie to yourself continually?

Be critical like you are in your daily life, you wouldn't accept half of this from someone you know or work with but you suspend all your faculties when it comes to Government.
Results in a loss of between £1.5 to 1.8bn.

Yet the bots on here keep repeating the tired old lie that the Tories are there for the working man.

Would you have preferred RBS (as was) to go bust and take all the businesses and individual accounts with them?

There was no way any government could or should have let that happen.
Would you have preferred RBS (as was) to go bust and take all the businesses and individual accounts with them?

There was no way any government could or should have let that happen.

Straw man. The point is - is there a need to sell now?

So stop with the straw man arguments trying to defend this.
Straw man. The point is - is there a need to sell now?

So stop with the straw man arguments trying to defend this.
So when do you want the government to sell? Do you want them to leave the bank state owned so that the share price can never rise significantly and therefore the country never gets any of its expenditure back, or do you want them to gradually ease the bank out of state ownership and minimise the loss?
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