Varnishing Doors

19 Mar 2003
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United Kingdom
A couple of months ago we (that is I :) ) varnished our internal doors. SWMBO chose the colour - a dark oak - and the only varnish we could get in this colour was Q+B own brand. It was a solvent based varnish (very strong smell :( and took ages to dry). However it said it was extremely tough and resistant to knocks, scratches, etc. The doors were rubbed down and cleaned with white spirit first and then had 3 coats each side (took ages!)

Recently we have noticed that several of the doors have been chipped so I am not that impressed with the quality of Q+B varnish :(

Is it possible to give the doors a coat of clear varnish to protect them? I have used Ronseal water based diamond hard floor varnish on our parquet floor and I am very impressed with it.

Is it okay to put water based varnish over solvent based? What preparation would we need?
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I wouldnt reccomend it to be will probably 'ciss' up as you try to paint it.

Id go for traditonal oil based...but in an eggshell looks more subtle than gloss varnish....bit like wax.
Personally I would give it a go on somewhere inconspicuous. I have used water-based over cellulose before and there was no reaction. I think I would probably paint a bit of scrap with the dk. oak, let it dry thoroughly then splash on a good bit of the water-based and see what happens. If there is no obvious reaction then go for it.
It is always best to give varnish a light rub with fine sandpaper (eg. 320 grit) between coats.

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