Vitamin C / D

14 Apr 2012
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United Kingdom
I have been reading up about taking Vitamin C / D (after reading about it on here), my question is do you take a multi-vitamin or only C / D (and why)?

Also is there enough C / D in a multi-vitamin or do you need a bigger single dose?

I have 3 tablespoons of ACV every morning and find it helps with digestion and heartburn.

I also took Cod Liver Oil tablets for years and stopped for no real reason, i think i am going to start again.
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The only reason you need to take those tablets is if you are not getting enough in your diet imho
I eat loads of fish and vegetables, I am concerned about the lack of sunlight in this country.

ACV is well known for medicinal qualities, not sure about cod liver oil but GP's recommend it.
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yes there is a b12 daily tablet you can take if going vegan from the vegan society
600iu per day is normal. However if you have a severe deficiency of vit D then it's not unusual to take 10000iu for 3 days before reverting back to 600iu per day
I have been reading up about taking Vitamin C / D (after reading about it on here), my question is do you take a multi-vitamin or only C / D (and why)?

Also is there enough C / D in a multi-vitamin or do you need a bigger single dose?

I have 3 tablespoons of ACV every morning and find it helps with digestion and heartburn.

I also took Cod Liver Oil tablets for years and stopped for no real reason, i think i am going to start again.

I take Vit D everyday for as you say lack of sunlight. I think it definitely helps fend off colds etc.

And a I take a multivitamin too. And zinc
i take 5000 ui of vit D everyday. have been for 10 years due to psoriasis.
they use to give Guinness in the hospital to pregnant women for the Iron. Mind you you could smoke in bed in the hospital in those days lol
I take vitamin d and c, after reading quite a bit on it, im b12 deficient due to metformin so inject myself for that, leads to pernicious anaemia if not looked after.
I am looking at other vitamin b doses.
Dr ,Malcolm Kendrick is an outspoken gp who doesn't give a toss who he upsets with his opinions. He is not one to bow down to superiors if he thinks they are wrong. Also a funny guy, well worth a read.
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