Vote leave breaking the law

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I've not read the whole lot, I can't really be bothered. The Scotch is too good. Has anyone mentioned yet, that the people on the leave side contacted the Electoral Commission on two occasions regarding this spend, and on both occasions were given the green light?

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Opinions are a bit like **** holes , we have all got one

Thing is some of us don't use said '**** holes' to express their opinions ;)

electoral fraud u say Hmmm what like go's on in the EU

See that's where that ignorance raises it's head again.
Care to tell the source of this 'wisdom'?
(you've probably filed it next to the 'EU is undemocratic' rant folder (y) )
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If laws are broken then those guilty should be charged.

Everyone is agreement here.

However, did the undeclared funding actually make any material difference? I dont think so, its a case of looking for a smoking gun that does not exist.

This is a complex case of data taken from users without their consent, then used without their consent and then targeted at them as well as breaking spending limits, using front companies..

Did it make an unfair playing field? The Remain side had the advantage of having the government machine – and £9.3 million of public funds on clear campaign literature:

The Government spending is not at issue.

The government produced a 16-page leaflet, “Why the Government believes that voting to remain in the European Union is the best decision for the UK”, which was delivered to 27 million households in April (and in Scotland and Wales in May) 2016 at a cost to the public purse of £9.3 million, which did not count towards referendum expenditure

It was the position of the sitting Government to support Remain -which was all lawful. So conflating that with the spending limits is either disingenuous or missing the point.

Did it make an unfair playing field? The Remain side had the advantage of having the government machine – and £9.3 million of public funds on clear campaign literature:

The Government spending is not at issue.

It may not have been illegal, but is was an issue.

We were promised a fair honest Vote by our Remain leaning Prime Minister

£9.3 million Really
£9.3 million of public funds on clear campaign literature:

To print a few Leaflets ??? that an awful lot of money.. This smells a little bit.
The Government spending is not at issue

Im not suggesting it was at issue.

It was the position of the sitting Government to support Remain -which was all lawful. So conflating that with the spending limits is either disingenuous or missing the point

Im not conflating any issue.

I was highlighting the fact that despite the government spending £9m as well as the remain campaign's £15m, all that money did not result in a majority.

So on that basis, did the undisclosed donations have a material difference to the outcome? the unauthorised data collection used for targeting can be included in that argument.
So on that basis, did the undisclosed donations have a material difference to the outcome? the unauthorised data collection used for targeting can be included in that argument.

So the ends matter and not the means. That means breaking the law is acceptable if it results in the outcome you agree with. The Government could have spent double the amount and it would still have no bearing on the leave campaign issues. If you want to keep adding the Government spending to the debate then why isn't that an argument that CA etc have not used?
Thing is some of us don't use said '**** holes' to express their opinions ;)

See that's where that ignorance raises it's head again.
Care to tell the source of this 'wisdom'?
(you've probably filed it next to the 'EU is undemocratic' rant folder (y) )

you obviously do ;):LOL::LOL: try a laxative to clear your ead :LOL:
, did the undisclosed donations have a material difference to the outcome? the unauthorised data collection used for targeting can be included in that argument.

Or to put it another way, why do you think the criminal suspects went to all that trouble and expense?

You think they did it because it wouldn't make any difference?

Yeah, right.
So on that basis, did the undisclosed donations have a material difference to the outcome?

Or to put it another way, why do you think the criminal suspects went to all that trouble and expense?
You think they did it because it wouldn't make any difference?
If we are talking about whether charges should or should not be brought, the material difference that the criminal act made to the outcome is not the yardstick in use.
If criminal acts were perpetrated, that is the measure by which charges should be brought, irrespective of whether they made any material difference or not.
If we are talking about whether charges should or should not be brought, the material difference that the criminal act made to the outcome is not the yardstick in use.
If criminal acts were perpetrated, that is the measure by which charges should be brought, irrespective of whether they made any material difference or not

Do keep up, I said those guilty should be charged in post 49.

I never suggested any criminal act should be measured by whether it made a material difference. But you are welcome to conflate if it makes you happy. I expect all those excuses you have to make for your keyboard not evolving cause a lack of concentration :). Or it could just be stupidity :mrgreen:
You are most welcome to include insults in your defines you as a person and highlights the weakness of your argument

Has eeyore turned over a new leaf?
I very much doubt it.
I was right, absolutely spot on! :ROFLMAO:

Do keep up,
But you are welcome to conflate if it makes you happy. I expect all those excuses you have to make for your keyboard not evolving cause a lack of concentration :). Or it could just be stupidity :mrgreen:
Obviously he was having a personality issue the other day. :D
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