what a difference...New Oreleans

21 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
Ive been watching the news with the pictures of the effects of the hurricane in New Orleans and i have to say in struck by the ineptitude of the worlds superpower to deal with a disaster in its own backyard.

Another thing struck me as well. After the tsunami at the beginning of the year, the images were terrible, but people got up pulled together and started to help themselves as much as thye could. All the images and comments ive seen in the news of the survivours just show them walking around in circles, expecting someone to swoop down and sort it all out for them, while resorting to crime and looting. What a difference
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From that article;

Bush has criticized the treaty, saying it set unrealistic goals and could damage the U.S. economy.

I reckon a few more hurricanes, droughts, floods and a slight rise in sea levels and his economy will suffer damage on a scale large enough to give very serious cause for concern. How many oil rigs did Katrina wreck, 10?
Meanwhile, the president warned that hurricane damage to key oil refineries and pipelines would cause temporary gas shortages in the coming weeks, and he urged Americans to "be prudent" in their driving habits.

Fresh National Guard troops arrived three days after the hurricane hit to find New Orleans police overwhelmed and in some instances outgunned by snipers who holed up in abandoned apartment buildings and storefronts.

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Thermo said:
All the images and comments ive seen in the news of the survivours just show them walking around in circles, expecting someone to swoop down and sort it all out for them, while resorting to crime and looting. What a difference

I've been amazed also about the ongoing stories, weird! I do know the average US citizen can't really be called that 'clever' (whatever they try to make you believe in their tv- and/or hollywood productions).
They are now showing it's real public face: bunch of ignorant, opportunist, 'freedom-for-all (looting, raping) and some pure stupidity.
have you heard the one's that have been interviewed on tv? they talk like their straight out of a hollywood movie :eek: one lady said " we lost the battle but we won the war" :confused: :confused: :confused:
Hi all.

Completely agree and am amazed at the ignorant ineptitude of the Yanks, though not at all suprised. Bunch of animals with no concept of anything outside US borders.

The one that got me was a woman moaning that she had had nothing to eat for 2 days. All well and good until the camera panned out and revealed a 25 stone blubbering heffer. She could have gone at least a week with no food and lived quite comfortably of the fat reserves in her chin alone. Still, good target practice for the civvy "snipers". After all, Yanks always have been good at shooting each other!

i also saw the LARGE people who had't eaten for 2 days.they where smoking fags,they must have thought lets get some emergency supplies,pies or fags.
On Kyoto, I do actually agree with some of what Bush says but not for his reasons: it is unfair if WE are penalised, but China, India et al are allowed to spew out as much pollution as they want. This sort of thing has to be all or nothing... I would choose "ALL". Have EVERYONE get their pollution in order. That would also protect what is left of our industry instead of just buying in cheap imports from countries that pump every noxious gas under the sun into the atmosphere.

I too have been wondering about the fat people. It is possible that being obese will have saved some people's lives out there: a proper-sized human would starve, but a tub-o-lard might live an extra few days.

On the flipside though, if a rescue helicopter has a capacity of 100 stone (after crew, fuel etc), they could save 9 or 10 average women instead of just 4 big fat heffers.
Long as y`all keep them Banjo`s dry...You Good ole` boys gonna be ok :oops:
ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
i also saw the LARGE people who had't eaten for 2 days.they where smoking fags......................hope they don`t get to read that :oops:
Nige F said:
ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
i also saw the LARGE people who had't eaten for 2 days.they where smoking fags
......................hope they don`t get to read that :oops:

Nige F, you have to ENCLOSE quotes. click "quote" once to open a quote, click again to close it.
I do find it astounding that the richest nation in the world doesn't have a disaster plan in place for this type of event. Afterall its not like they never have these things is it. They can repsond to terrorist attacks within hours, but a bit of freak weather and they all fall apart and want everyone else to help them. Not so great now are we America, now you need the help of other nations.

I find it hard to feel sorry for these poeple, all standing and chanting 'we need help' when you see those in other countries far worse off and not complaining.

Time to remove those blinkers now GB and start cutting your emmisions and using smaller engines.

what a country of cretins ...

Bush was said to say today on a broadcast , he would smite them terrorists in Kyoto an when told it was an ACT OF GOD , he was in touch with his poodle Bliar to invade Heaven an root out that terrorist sonofbitch God ,

footnote on a real embarassment
Bush said
" that those in trouble brought it on themselves by staying around ,"
advisors on telling him those "blacks" were poor an many on "welfare"
he said ,
"they maybe on welfare but after all the looting they are doing maybe we need to stop that welfare check "
I must confess, Although I feel sympathy for those that have lost so much, I was very disturbed by this, "I'm the centre of the universe, why isn't everyone feeding, clothing, and housing me?" attitude. Something that wasn't so evident in the far east coverage.

Does this bring to the fore some of the cultural differences that have spawned such hatred from other quarters :confused: :cry:
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