What is or was your favourite comic, Dandy or Beano?

15 May 2008
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United Kingdom
I used to rush round to the shop every friday night when i got my pocket money, i would buy the Dandy and Beano and a sherbet lemon, the happiest days of my life, i loved Desperate Dan and dennis the menace. Sadly according to the papers the Beano and Dandy have fallen victim to political correctness, Dan is no longer allowed his huge cow pie as it could encourage kids to indulge in overeating and junk food,he has to make do with a salad, likewise Dennis is no longer allowed to beat up walter as it could be construed as Gay bashing an his dog 'Gnasher' has fallen foul of the dangerous dogs legislation. I feel sorry for kids these days :(
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funny thing, the women I met in real life weren't like the pictures :eek:
err .... why is the Bunty not on the list :rolleyes: :oops:

Wasn't Winker Watson such a lad eh? Made me which I'd gone to boarding school to have such fun. Not a bizarre sexual initiation ceremony from the dorm old boys, in any of the editions I read :rolleyes:
i used to love the little commando books. Definetly the beano in preference to the dandy. Bash street kids, the nibblers etc
Made me which I'd gone to boarding school to have such fun. Not a bizarre sexual initiation ceremony from the dorm old boys, in any of the editions I read :rolleyes:
I did. Never saw any of those kind of goings-on, you shouldn't believe everything you read in the papers Woodster! Fart-lighting after lights out in the dorm and Algepan on the boll*cks were specialities though. Interestingly, the wimmin in my life have never seemed to be greatly impressed with my blue flames or the ability to withstand pain in the nethers, for some reason.... :D
i used to read ,em all.

Whizzer and Chips, Beazer, Topper as well as Dandy and Beano.

i 'progressed' onto 2000 A.D.

then Vis!
Saturday morning was pocket money day so upto newsagents and got the whizzer and chips and the wizard the beezer was a broad sheet in those days if the old man had gave me a bit extra i would get a commando comic but then they where quite dear at a shilling.
Got a mate who claims he learnt to speak german from the commando comics but to be honest i cant see him getting by with donner and blitzen, achtung and halt :LOL:

And at christmas you always got an annual or two and there was the summer specials aswell
i used to read ,em all.

Whizzer and Chips, Beazer, Topper as well as Dandy and Beano.

i 'progressed' onto 2000 A.D.

then Vis!

Are you me? :eek:

You must have got "StarLord" too then. I should still have the 20 odd issues in the loft. Brilliant comic, unequaled IMO

I never progressed to Viz. The humour was a bit too obtuse for me, and Buster Gonad "the boy with unfeasibly large testacles" was just fingernails on the blackboard for me. Ouch!
I used to read Whoopee comic, had characters such as Mustapha Million and Pongo Snodgrass
then viz most amusing
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