What's little johnny doing today?

Christian Brothers religious group had a saying.
Get the child before 8 or else its too late.
What they meant was if you want a child to grow up as a good Catholic, you had to get inside their heads when they were young.
Yeah, the Jesuits say that too I believe. But I had plenty of religious propaganda directed at me while I was growing up (I'm 77) and it had precisely the opposite effect from that intended.
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Yeah, the Jesuits say that too I believe. But I had plenty of religious propaganda directed at me while I was growing up (I'm 77) and it had precisely the opposite effect from that intended.
The Jesuits weren't called the Pope's SS for nothing.
There is often lots of experimentation around this age.

Sexuality is not always black and white as your example shows. But just because she's dating a boy now does not mean she is straight. She may be bi-sexual.
It can being all sorts of confusion and upset, especially if there is a crush with someone and it's not reciprocated. Also, other kids can tease (or worse) those they see that don't fit in (and this applies to all sorts of situations, not just those around sexuality).
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I asked my nearly 18 yr old college niece earlier:

"To what extent have you (in comp or coll) been taught (actual lessons) about LGBTQ stuff/Pride stuff? If you have been taught that stuff, would you EVER say they had tried to indoctrinate you? Ta xxx"

Her reply a few mins ago:

"I would say that it was never taught as an actual lesson as a part of a curriculum except for RE when it would potentially come up as an act or movement that would be discussed; but I would definitely say that it has come up once or twice in sociology*; and there are clubs and societies of sorts in the college that people are free to join. I wouldn’t ever say that there is any indoctrination going on in school regarding the LGBT society and the only place i could think of it happening would be certain parts of the media."

* My asterisk to clarify she is doing Sociology A level.

So from the horse's mouth as it were.
There is often lots of experimentation around this age.

Sexuality is not always black and white as your example shows. But just because she's dating a boy now does not mean she is straight. She may be bi-sexual.

She was 9 or 10 years old.
Another of her school mates Lilly is now Sam.

The lovely thing is they are so accepting.
I think a young lad or a young girl need to have somewhere to go or someone to talk to if they are feeling confused or decide they are going the other way.

But it doesn't have to be rammed down our throats 24/7.

Most of us accept its the way love is (10city) but just get on with it like I do being straight.
Not noticed how they do it on these quiz shows.
"Hello Susan and what do you do for a living and what's your partner called"
I see that the woman’s cycling team (?) have banned trans ( blokes) from competing in woman’s events

One trans ( bloke) cyclist has called the ban an act of “ violence”

Fruit cake :)
But it doesn't have to be rammed down our throats 24/7.
Rammed down your throat? I think a majority of the gay community is happy to be accepted and heard (have a voice). And perhaps for folk not to be shocked when announcing a same sex partner, as per Victorian era days.
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