Where can I get this trim?

18 Oct 2014
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United Kingdom

Not sure I'm on the right forum for this one, hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction please.

I'm pricing up replacing my current up n over garage door for a roller door, the current door and frame aren't in great condition, also the mechanism is within the door opening, making getting a vehicle in/out a tight squeeze.

the roller door will sit with the runners on the internal walls, so I can do away with the current wooden frame and mechanism giving me an extra 8 ish inches of space.

Problem is it'll also expose the ends of the walls. The internal brick course is a different brick and the mortar between the internal/external isn't great, so I'd like to cover the exposed internal face of the wall with some kind of trim/cladding like in the pic.

Can anyone advise where this kind of thing can be bought? Or what I should be searching/googling? Tried all manner of garage trim etc combos :—/

Thanks in advance
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Also, consider powder coated aluminium. You may be able to get a RAL number from the door manufacturer or supplier. A powder coater can then coat sheet cut by you to size, trial fitted, to match.
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