Where's the Polly posting gone?

9 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
Last time I saw it we were into 5 pages of posts. Just curious for the next delights the numpty would post.

Moderator's note:

I have had a look, and it seems I deleted it. Sorry. There was an abusive post at the end, which I had intended to delete, and it appears that I deleted the whole thing.

I was not well yesterday and have not been back until now.

Mod Rupert
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it was probably because i was setting someone straight.

even the mods are anti BG and aren't scared to show it it seems.
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Thats a pity because I liked my reply to Softus when he said it was like watching Eastenders!

I replied that at at least Eastenders does not have a Softus in it !!!
Agile said:
Thats a pity because I liked my reply to Softus when he said it was like watching Eastenders!

I replied that at at least Eastenders does not have a Softus in it !!!
At the expense of repeating myself...

In reply said:
Too true, but it does have a bunch of Agiles. :rolleyes:
Softus said:
nickso said:
it was probably because i was setting someone straight.
Or was it to do with a post by werewolf?


maybe softus....whatever it was we are all big boys and the nannying gets a bit much.

this post will be locked when the mod is physically sick after reading agiles post. :LOL:

Moderator's note:

Moan, moan, moan.

It's been back since 9:35
Mr DIYnot kindly restored it.

Mod Rupert
Moderator's note:

Moan, moan moan.

It's been back since 9:35

Mod Rupert
it is 12.20 now and still no sign :rolleyes: perhaps the mod works for corgi they tell porkies as well :rolleyes: sorry rupert did not scroll down far enough :oops:
Mod Rupert said:
A very helpful explanation of what happened.
Rupert, I'm sincerely sorry to hear that you were unwell, and I thank you for the action you've taken to restore the topic.
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