Win 7 Now cant send email using Outlook

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
After M/soft updates, I can read emails, but cant forward/reply or send new.
If I do a restore its all ok.
Any ideas so I can have the updates & use outlook.
I have tried clearing catche
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You don't give much detail e.g. can you Receive emails..
Having recently migrated some PCs from XP to Win7, my experience is that OE isn't supported beyond XP and you just migrate to Windows Live Mail - WLM 2012 is the latest. Its supported, its also free and its been working for me for many months. You can also export all your items out of the old OE into it.
It has other benefits e.g. full Calendar is integrated.
I have the latest, I can receive emails.
If I do a restore, ie remove the last m$ update it works ok.
So I have now taken off auto update, & don't install that particular one its KB (cant remember) but it is a critical one, hence wanting it.
What op system are you on,I use Vista and switched off their updates some time ago because it was giving problems after updates.

edit:just read the thread title,doh!
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don't install that particular one its KB (cant remember)
That's the important bit! Could check if this went through ok on win7 machine here with Outlook.

Might also be worth a phone call to Microsoft as I always understood they offered support for updates causing problems.
I have the same problem (and others) with updates. I believe the problem is caused by using Windows upgrades rather than a new install for new versions - my build is XP -> Vista -> Windows 7. I get round the email problem by using webmail. I also have a problem with IE, one particular update renders it pretty much useless and I can't go beyond an IE9 version. I only take MSE updates now and intend to buy a full W7 or possibly W8 version when I get a bit of time to sort it all out.

But if you find a solution other than rolling back, do post it!
I'm sure that when I looked into this, I found that Outlook and Outlook Express could not be used with Win7.

I now use Windows Live Mail (though I would have preferred Outlook)
Yes, I'm on WLM but the same problem persists. I've been all over the Windows help/forums and there are a bunch of things to try but none of them worked for me.
Yes, I'm on WLM but the same problem persists. I've been all over the Windows help/forums and there are a bunch of things to try but none of them worked for me.

Yep same for me.
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