Worra bellend

There's nothing stupid about the way trumpf has intimidated and bullied his way to economic and political power.


Tony Blair got in because people liked him. Same as David Cameron. We need to stop voting for personally and false promises.

However Trump is a trump.
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Far prefer the dignified respectful approach of Biden to trumps constant stirring. Like Al Capone they are out to get him on tax evasion and racketeering.

And they’ll hopefully succeed via the drip drip approach

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Not really.

The tories have got in for umpteen years. Not because they are good it's because the opposition are not very good at all.
It could be because "the people" like governments who largely do f-all. I liked the con-lib-dems for that very reason. Both parties have some truly dumb ideas, but together the dumbness cancelled each other out.
Tony Blair got in because people liked him. Same as David Cameron. We need to stop voting for personally and false promises.

However Trump is a trump.
Was never fooled by bliar, he got in by cutting and pasting Tory policies and smiling. RIP John smith

Was never fooled by bliar, he got in by cutting and pasting Tory policies and smiling. RIP John smith


If Brown was given a chance he may have done a good job (apart from the gold)
If Brown was given a chance he may have done a good job (apart from the gold)
He was given a chance, and was also highly influential over economic policy during the bliar years, he kept us out of the euro which would have killed the possibility of brexhit dead in the water.

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