XBOX360 "V" PS3

16 Feb 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi Guys,what do you gaming experts here think about the PS3?I think the console looks more stylish than the XBOX 360 which I think looks something or nothing if you know what I mean.But the graphics,game play?I have the 360 and I do find the Graphics good.So if I do decide to fork out £450 is it going to be a lot better?Or is it hyped up and a waist of money?Many thanks
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i dont know and dont care, but what i would say is wait a while for the reviews, and wait a bit more for the price to drop
Thanks Breezer for your reply.This is the trouble,some say don't bother with the PS3 as the graphics and the game play is no different to the 360.
Then others say that the PS3 is a revolutionary game console using blu ray technology,technology of tomorrow.where as the 360 is using standard technology but still is just a tweaked up XBOX. I also read that they are still not using the full potential of the PS2.
So as you see it gets confusing.I just thought that there might be a gaming expert who could clarify my delemour.Best regards
I suppose it depends on how much you like playing games. £450 is steep and isn't that a basic model?

I believe some of the games are around £100 too.
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This is the thing Igorian,it's a lot of money to pay for a console.If it was conclusive that the PS3 would P*** on the 360 then Sony could have reason to justify the high price.But there seems to be to camps,one in favour of Sony and the other MS.Who know?Thanks