The ball is rolling.... so to speak

22 Sep 2005
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Preston, Lancashire
United Kingdom
Been refered to another doctor that specialises in vasectomies (appointment this afternoon is from what I can understand, to weigh the job up). Both I and the wife have been seeing the same doctor (female) and I think they've cooked this up between them so she can stop taking the pill. Why can't she go the a blurdy male doctor - I'm sure he would have suggested she get sterilised.
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I'm told it's easier to reverse the woman's op if you change your mind or something happens. But is a bigger operation. Vasectomy also has the advantage that you'll be the one who goes through the pain and indignity, instead of her.
As John says, the female op is a much bigger deal - general anaesthetic with all it's attendant risks, and an overnight say in hospital.

The male op is usually done under a local with the patient fully conscious and trying desperately not to think about what the attractive nurse is doing down there, or what the inevitable reaction might be. Interesting experience.
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Less hurtful with two bricks .... If you keep your thumbs on top..

Pot black .... :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
It's the wife that's got the problem - high blood pressure due to what the doc reckons is the pill. So off the pill she comes and I get chopped up! :cry:
It's a piece of cake - had it done on the Friday afternoon and was reassured of "it" being fully functional by the Sunday evening :)

It's a bizarre sensation - sort of a tugging - not painful though.
chilluk said:
It's a piece of cake - had it done on the Friday afternoon and was reassured of "it" being fully functional by the Sunday evening :).
And was it?
chilluk said:
It's a bizarre sensation - sort of a tugging - not painful though.
It's used to that. ;)
I have had it done, it doesnt hurt at all, and as said its done under local anesthetic, it takes abiut 10 mins (oh and its 2 snips)

but the odd thing is the anesthetic is one that although you are awake while its done, you dont remeber anything the next day, and you will sleep for about 15 hours afterwards (well i did)

and yes its full fucntional as soon as you feel able, but you hab=ve to have it confirmed that you are "empty" but you cant do that for 3 months after
Just been for the pre op examination. All systems are go. 2 weeks today at 8pm!!!!!!!! They told me it would be around a 4 month wait at my regular docs. Oh well, in for a penny.....
Think the doctor might be one of ninebob's gang n'all. :eek:
Mine was free as well - although my bro-in-law paid for his a few years previous. It seemed that the surgery in question had a budget for them for the year so as long as you got in before it had run out it was gratis.
Now look you chaps. We girls have to put up with all the pain and discomfort of periods every month, the ordeal of childbirth, followed later by the ups and downs of the menopause, which we all accept as our lot, without complaint, ;) while you men don't have any such grief.

So if you have the misfortune to have to undergo a vasectomy, do not expect any sympathy from the women in your life, just be happy in the knowledge that compared with us, you got off lightly!
No there's been no mention of payment so I guess it's costing me nowt.
tigger, so what if you lose a little blood a few days a month. I cut myself more often than that! Stop your whining - I need some REAL attention here....... NOT ;)
Just been trying to work out how best to get back to the pub after he's finished with my spuds.
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