
26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
Has anyone been invited to a healthy dinner by Saladmaster?

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Just learn to cook. Most people buy processed food with atrocious ingredients, high in sugar, and artificial carp.
Its not as well known as I had expected!

A kind of pyramid selling based on healthy eating which is linked by suggestion to owning their very good pots!

But like all good things they are expensive. About 10 times more than most other makes.

Even so I will probably buy some.

i do eat pies and pasties which will contain high fat sugar and salt along with stock cubes i do not buy ready meals off any sort
yes marmite woursester sauce and soy sauce all high to very high salt content but are used sparingly
i do not ever use salt appart from melting ice
i do not use sugar off any sort and am aware off the toses and crosses
a teaspoonful off olive oil in a frying pan is a luxury l litre off oil last at least a year
i use no butter no spread off any kind
salad and home made sauce provide most of the moisture you would normally get from spreads
sometimes its things like cottage cheese to moisten the bread or meal

yes i do like bacon [very salty]sausages[fat grissel and sinues]and burger but once or twice a month no problem

having said all that i like my cider and am a fat bugger :D:D
I routinely use Kikkoman soya sauce instead of salt, and have low to moderate blood pressure. I was reading that the anti salt hype was just that, obviously excess is bad though. I don't eat butter, cream or margarine although research is suggesting butter might be good for you in moderation.

So why are these pans so good?

I've moved over to good stainless steel pans. I had a very cheap stainless steel pan for 15 years, till I damaged it. I can use these pans in the oven and on the hob. Better pans retain heat better.
Even so I will probably buy some.

Take care Tony.

There is a long (and some say patronising) sales pitch and the pans (the one or two you get) cost upwards of 2 thousand pounds, with some odd claims thrown in.
yes i do like bacon [very salty]sausages[fat grissel and sinues]and burger but once or twice a month no problem

I'm going to be sick.

Do post a piccy. We love pictures!:)
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